Page 36 of Kane (Face-Off 2)
“Tyler,” Kennedy laughs, clamping down on my hand and tightening her grip.
“I got you, babe. Do you trust me?”
She narrows her eyes at me. “I don’t know. Depends on what you’re planning to do.”
Swinging her around the rink, she squeals as I pick up the pace.“Tyler, slow down.”
“Do you trust me?” I ask her again.
“I guess.” I can hear the panic in her voice. “Just don’t let me fall.”
“Never,” I say, confident.
The smile on her face is priceless as we make our second and third revolutions around the rink. But after the next one, I can tell she’s getting tired, and I know I could use a break. I slow down a little bit, just enough for her to adjust to our new speed, and by the time we reach the door to the side of our bench, I’m able to stop right in front.
“That was fun. Thank you, Tyler.” She kisses my cheek, holding onto my shoulder for support. “I was so sure you were going to try some fancy figure skating shit on me.”
“I considered it for about a split second before I realized you would freak out if I were to lift you up or do anything other than skate in circles.”
I let go of Kennedy’s hand to open the door, swinging it open and step to the side to allow her room to get by. As she lifts her feet, the blades taking chunks from the ice in her wake, she holds her arms out to balance herself, the look on her face so childish and goofy. She’s adorable, too cute not to make her mine.
But she misjudges her steps, and before I can stop her from losing her footing, she falls backward and lands hard on her tailbone.
She laughs, her voice throaty. “Tyler, you promised you wouldn’t let me fall.” Her hand instinctively goes to her back, so I know she must be in pain.
I drop to my knees and pull her into my arms, massaging her pain away. “Where does it hurt?”
“Here,” she says, taking my hand and moving it over her lower back.
Afraid to touch her too much, out of fear she may have hurt something, I hold her tight against my chest and continue rubbing the same spot. “I’m surprised you made it as long as you did and still fell in the end. Does it still hurt?”
She nods, her hair brushing up against my cheek. “It’s much better now, but I’m wet.”
I lick my lips. “Mmm…I love it when you’re wet.”
“Not like that, stupid.” She smacks me in the arm with a playful grin. “I mean I’m sitting on the ice, my ass is freezing cold, and now my pants are wet.”
I shove my hand between her legs, touching her over her jeans. “Are you sure about that, baby? You know I make you wet.”
“Leave it to you to make falling on my ass about sex,” she deadpans, her head tilted back, so it’s resting on my shoulder.
She nuzzles her cheek against my jaw, and when she reaches her arm around to pull my face closer, I lean down to kiss her. Her kisses are soft yet rough, and as our tongues collide, I grab her by her hair, pulling on her ponytail. I need her, want to fuck her right here on the ice. But even I am starting to get cold.
“Wanna take this into the locker room?” I ask, separating my mouth from hers, my voice almost a whisper.
“Yes,” she purrs, her moans still caught in her throat.
I hop to my feet, this time making sure she doesn’t fall and lift her up to throw her over my shoulder, giving her ass a hard slap in the process.
“Oww,” she cries out, laughing. “Tyler, you’re such a bad boy.”
“You like it when I’m bad.” I exit the rink, practically running in my skates down the long hallway toward the locker room.
“You know I do.” I can almost hear the smile on her lips as she speaks and enters the locker room with a
shit-eating grin. “Now, hurry up and undress me.”
Her legs are as cold as ice cubes, and without giving it too much thought, I head straight to the showers. After I set her down, I take off my skates, as she leans against the wall, rubbing her hands together to warm up, and then I help Kennedy remove her skates.