Page 7 of Donovan (Face-Off 3)
“Dude, what the fuck!” Carter lets go of his dick and raises his hands in the air. “Get out!”
“Kennedy, are you scarred for life?” I ask, trying not to laugh. But I fail.
I hear her chuckle. She has her back facing me. “No. I don’t think so. Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
We both know that is a lie. Compared to me, Kennedy is a good girl. I seriously doubt she has ever taken a strange man into another strange man’s bedroom to have a masturbation session. Unless she’s been hiding that naughty side from me after all these years.
Tyler covers the side of his face with his hand, staring at the ground. “We’re gonna go. You two have fun.”
He closes the door behind him, the sounds of his laughter audible from in the hallway.
Carter’s gaze shifts from the door to me. The intensity behind his deep brown eyes forces me to lock onto him, holding me in his clutches. We sit there for a few seconds, still attempting to catch our breath. This was awkward. Neither of us can deny it. A beat passes between us before we both follow Tyler’s lead and laugh uncontrollably until my stomach hurts and tears stream down my face.
“I can’t believe that just happened.” His voice is deep, modulated, and so damn sexy.
“Me either,” I choke out. “Do you think Tyler saw me? Oh, my God, this is…” I don’t finish the thought even though the word I am looking for is ridiculous. We are both completely fucking ridiculous. And perfect for each other. Two whackos.
“You covered up right away, so I doubt Tyler saw much if any of you. But I know for a fact Kennedy got a good look at me.” He shakes his head, smiling, and leans back against the couch cushions. “So, where were we before they interrupted us?”
“You can’t be serious.” I am somewhat shocked Carter is still into this after what happened only a few minutes ago.
“I don’t joke about pussy.” He grips his shaft and says, “Spread those legs for me.”
“If we do this, I want you to promise me one thing.”
“Fine. I’ll do what you like as long as I don’t go home with blue balls.”
“I want you to claim my pussy,” I say this with a straight face. Carter is having a hard time figuring out if I’m serious or screwing with him again. “That means you have to work for it. Are you in?”
“Of course,” he says as if I just asked him a dumb question. “I’ll play along if you do your part.”
“Meaning?” What is my part?
Still holding onto his very erect dick, he starts moving again, staring me down as he does this. “I need to see what I’m claiming. Give me some incentive. Now, finger your pussy and let me watch.”
I listen to him once more, obeying Carter instead of forcing him to submit to my rules. It’s a compromise. But I am still in control over my body. When we both finally come, I swear it’s the best orgasm I have ever had. Carter makes the sexiest sounds and the hottest facial expressions. Hands-down this is one of the best nights of my life. And he never even touched me. That takes some serious skill.
Carter is a keeper. I just hope he hangs around long enough to finish playing the game.
Chapter 3
After Sydney had dared me to claim her pussy, I was more than happy to accept the challenge. But she has not made this easy for me. While I love the chase, my hand is fucking killing me from jerking off so much. And I need my hand to play hockey, so yeah, that’s not really working out too well for me. Not like my game is on point for the next season. I sucked ass all summer, which is only a continuation from the past year.
Standing in front of the net in full gear, I sink into position. With Tyler skating toward me, getting fancy with his puck work as he moves the puck from right to left in front of him, I know what’s coming. Even though I know what he’s doing and have seen him do it a thousand times, my response time is off. He dekes left, and I move right, assuming that’s his end game. But, as usual, he plays me.
Tyler smacks the puck into the net, just missing the post, leaving me feeling like a dumbass, once again, as he celebrates his victory over me. Tyler is the best center in the league and the highest paid for a reason. He never lets me forget it, the cocky motherfucker.
I also think it’s because the Flyers could not afford to let him go after all the offers started pouring in from major contenders. But he’s either too stupid or too loyal to leave the team he’d grown up to admire. I would have left the second the Penguins offered the salary they threw on the table at the start of last season.
Pittsburgh is still within driving distance for his family, but I know the real reason he stays local. He has a son he had given up for adoption when he was still in high school. He’s a good guy, still regrets the choice his parents forced him to make and visits with his son once a month. Too bad the kid has no idea he’s his father, which makes the entire situation even harder.
Since Kennedy has come into his life, I see a serious change in Tyler’s behavior. I miss my wingman, but I’m also happy that he’s finally moving on with his life. Tyler dwelled on the past for as long as we have known each other. It’s nice to see him with a smile on his face, and not one of those forced smiles he gives most of the time. A real one that makes me think he has a chance at moving forward with his career and his life.
Now, if only I could do the same.
Tyler stops next to me, and I take off my helmet, waiting for him to lay into me once again. But he doesn’t. At least not this time.