Page 11 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)
I cough and spin around to face the door because I have no idea how to react. Wow! So, this is what I’ve been missing. My ovaries are doing a happy dance. Meanwhile, my undersexed brain is screaming, Get a fucking grip.
“You did that on purpose,” I say, unable to face him. “Ugh, I hate you.”
He comes up from behind me and breathes against the shell of my ear. His length digs into my ass cheek, making me wetter by the second. “Fight me, little lamb. It only makes me want you more.”
I don’t have to turn around to see the smirk on his lips. I already know it’s there. What a jerk.
Ethan always does things to piss me off, but this is a low blow. Inappropriate sexual advances are not out of the norm for him. A part of me wonders if he’s serious. But I don’t allow the thought to dwell for too long. A relationship between us isn’t a good idea. We have no future together.
Will knows I hate Ethan, but he has no idea why. I was Ethan’s dirty little secret. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. But I can’t ignore the way he made me feel when I was in high school or how he makes me feel right now.
After everything Will has done for me, I have to help him out, even if it means dealing with Ethan. I can do this for him. A few weeks of Ethan sleeping on my couch shouldn’t be that hard, though I doubt he’ll make it easy for me.
Ethan slaps my ass, causing me to jump. Instead of a scream, he pulls a moan from my lips. And with that, he knows he has me. He knows the right strings to pull, and it works for him every time.
He laughs and then gives me one of his crooked smirks. “Have a good day, princess.”
Chapter Seven
Clarke Murphy hovers over me as I type the last few sentences of my article and send the e-mail to my editor. She flips her long, brown hair over her shoulder and sits in the chair next to my desk. Dressed in the tight skirt and pink top she wore last night, she sets our breakfast on my desk and peels back the paper on her breakfast sandwich.
She sinks her teeth into the bagel, chomping loudly in my ear. “You’re going to make a name for yourself with this one, Mia. It’s one of your best stories.”
I shrug against my chair. “Maybe. I need something better than possible embezzlement of school funds. The drug ring that’s running out of Old City Records could be a goldmine.”
Her eyes and mouth widen at the same time. “It could also be dangerous. You have to get in with criminals if you want to take them down.”
“Every time I think I have something good, they switch their operation.”
“What if the person feeding you the information is the one running the ring, and they’re trying to divert your attention?”
I open my sandwich and take a bite, the meaty goodness filling my mouth. An explosion of cheese and bacon hits my tongue, turning me into a ravenous beast. I have to make more money, so I can afford to eat three square meals a day. Freelance journalism pays well if you can dig up the right dirt, but I haven’t found enough information to make the quick cash I need to cover all of my bills.
“We could work on a sting operation together.” Clarke lifts the coffee mug on the desk in front of her and chugs the rest of the liquid before slamming it down with a thud. “Another set of hands and eyes are better than one. I mean, that’s if you want my help.”
“Yeah, I’d love some.” I swivel in my chair, and Clarke has to scoot hers back to make some space for me. “It’s a date.”
My cubicle at The Philadelphia Inquirer is so small we have to sit knee-to-knee, chomping down our food as we plot our next move.
Clarke taps me on the shoulder to get my attention, speaking between bites. “Would you mind tagging along with me today? I have to interview your brother and his teammates. You know how I feel about your brother. No offense but he’s such an ass.”
“None taken. I’m the only girl he’s not a total jerk to, so I get it.” I bite the inside of my cheek and think it over. “Yeah, I guess I can help you out. Things are kinda awkward right now. The apartment my brother shares with Ethan Waters flooded, and they’re staying with me for a few weeks.”
Her mouth opens in shock. “You have Ethan crashing at your place? I’m so jealous right now. He’s insanely hot.”
I snort. “Don’t be. He’s a world-class dickhead and a manwhore. You’re too good for him.”
“But…” she counters, holding her finger out in front of her, “… I bet he’s amazing in bed.”
His naked body and thick cock creep into my mind for a second too long. Ethan has invaded not only my life and apartment but also my mind.
“I wouldn’t know anything about that,” I confess. “But after what I saw this morning, you might be right about that.”
She giggles. “You saw Ethan naked already, didn’t you?”
I nod.