Page 23 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)
Mia gives him a fake smile. She’s so easy to read. “Yeah, it’s great. Thanks for forcing me to come out with you.”
She folds her arms across her chest, pushing her tits out even more. Does it make me an even bigger asshole for noticing? Probably.
Will releases Mia from his grip and leans forward to grab two bottles of water from the bed of ice on the table in front of us and hands one of them to me. Then, he fills a highball glass with Absolut and cranberry juice. He passes the drink to Mia. “Try to have fun. It won’t kill you.”
“Stop nagging me, Will.” Mia presses the glass to her lips and gulps down half of the liquid in one swig. “Let me do my thing without babysitting me for once.”
Will cocks an eyebrow at Mia. “You know I worry about you.”
For as long as I’ve known Will, he’s always handled Mia like she’s a piece of fine china. Her parents treat her the same way. She’s not the delicate girl I once knew. Not even close.
Mia pounds the rest of her drink and gets up from the couch. “I know, Will, and I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself. Now, if you don’t mind, I want to go downstairs and dance without a chaperone.”
Will sinks further into the couch and kicks his shoe up on the table. “Ethan is going with you.”
He shoots me a look that says, Keep an eye on her. I’d love to dance with Mia, but I can’t help but wonder if he’ll stand up here and watch us from the balcony. If so, I have to be careful with her. Because one wrong move could be dangerous for us both.
“You coming with?” I ask Will.
He shakes his head. “No, I texted that girl I met last night. She should be here in a few. I also have the waitress to keep me company.” Will flashes a cocky smirk and then winks.
When we reach the dance floor, the club is in full swing. Sweat glistens off the bodies of those grinding on each other, the people surrounding us throwing elbows in our direction as we push our way through the crowd. I have to move Mia in front of me to keep her out of their reach. With my arm hooked around her stomach and my hand on her shoulder, I steer her deeper into the throng and out of Will’s line of sight.
He told me to dance with Mia. Technically, Will gave me his permission. Does that make this right?
We eventually find an open space in the middle of the floor, which gives us enough room to join our bodies together. Mia presses her palms to my chest and looks up at me. Her bright blue eyes slice right through me. When she looks at me this way, nothing around us matters. There’s only the beautiful girl I’ve had feelings for since I was in high school standing in front of me.
My skin pricks with electricity when Mia slides her hands up my arms. She grips my biceps with her fingers and begins to sway her hips with a sensual look in her eyes as she digs her nails into my skin. We don’t need to exchange words. She wants me. I want her. There’s nothing left to say. But, where is Will?
I glance up at the balcony where we left Will and let out a sigh of relief that he’s not standing there. His date must have arrived by now and keeping him more than entertained. Good. Because I need Will distracted.
Mia rubs her ass on my thigh, slowly making her way to my growing erection. I’m thankful no one can see how turned on I am by Mia. And even more thankful that Will is not here to see this. She knows what she’s doing, dropping low enough to give me a nice view of her ass. For a girl who never leaves the house, Mia sure has some moves. And she sure as fuck knows how to work her killer curves.
She wants me to touch her, and yet I have my hands at my sides, allowing Mia to do what she wants to me.
If only she knew how much she’s doing.
With Will out of the picture, what could it hurt?
What’s one dance?
I lean forward to whisper in her ear, and she stills from my breath on her skin. “Keep doing that, little lamb, and I’m going to bend you over and fuck you right here on this dance floor.”
Mia stops shaking her ass and tilts her head back so that our eyes meet. Sweat dots on her forehead and brows, her glassy blue eyes burning a hole right through me. “I’d like to see you try, E.”
Moving my hands to her hips, I pull her against my chest. “Is that a dare?”
She smiles in response.
Chapter Eleven
What am I doing? Grinding on Ethan like some horny college girl at a bar is not my style. Not even close. So, why can’t I stop myself from rubbing my ass on his cock? I love the fact Ethan’s hard for me, of all people. For the girl who has been in love with him since we were kids. For his best friend’s little sister.
I glance up at the balcony to check for Will. At least he hasn’t caught us. Yet. If we keep this shit up, it’s only a matter of time before Will figures out the old feelings Ethan and I have for each other are back and stronger than ever.
Swaying my hips to the music, I lean my head back and look up at Ethan. His thick muscles wrap around me, his hands slowly moving down my sides. He stares at me with his mouth open, his teeth gently grazing his bottom lip. I want to bite it, suck it.