Page 21 of Dean (Face-Off 6)
“Dean, after our talk, do you think that’s a good idea?”
“I’m kinda drunk, Kitten. My ability to think this through is fading by the minute.” He releases my face and takes a step back from me. “Let’s get another beer.”
“I could use a drink.”
Or ten.
Dean drags me into the kitchen. We run into my brothers and their girls of the hour, who are throwing back shots of vodka. The brunette makes a quick hand gesture toward the boy behind the makeshift bar. He slides four shots across the counter in front of them. The girls scream over the music to each other, not paying attention to whatever my brothers are about to do. They look like they’re up to no good.
“Watch this.” Dean points at the twins, who are trading places without the girls knowing it.
I shake my head in awe. “This always amazes me. How do girls not realize Trav is wearing a red polo shirt and Theo dark blue?”
Dean shrugs. “They’re puck bunnies. They don’t care.”
“Because you speak from experience.”
My stomach turns at the thought.
“I have much higher standards than your brothers,” he counters. “You know that better than anyone.”
We laugh as the blonde bobs her head, her hair billowing around her face as she grinds on Theo to the beat of the rap song cranking through the speakers. She glances up at Theo and then at her friend and shrugs as if she noticed they swapped places and doesn’t care.
“I’m ready for that drink now,” I tell Dean.
He raises his hand to the bartender and holds two fingers in the air. A few seconds later, his teammate slides two plastic cups down the bar in our direction.
Dean hands me the beer with a wink. “I’ll race ya.?
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“You could use a good buzz.” He takes a sip from his cup, leaving a layer of foam on his top lip.
Without thinking, I wipe it away with my thumb. Dean grabs my hand and sucks the foam from my finger with a sensual look in his eyes. He’s doing this on purpose.
Damn him.
We’re better off as friends. He knows this. But I can’t help how my body for responds to him. I turn away from him and chug the rest of my beer. Then, I throw back a shot of vodka the bartender left in front of Travis and pound Theo’s after that.
“Hey, Kit-Kat,” Theo says. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I have big sister privileges. That means I get to steal your drinks.”
Amused, Theo shakes his head. Travis smiles and orders another round of shots for everyone. Over the next ten minutes, we consume a remarkable amount of alcohol until the burning in my throat matches the rising temperature in my stomach.
“Do you want to dance?” I ask Dean.
He nods with a mischievous look in his eyes.
Past drunk two beers ago, I lead Dean into the living room. With my head foggy and my judgment clouded, I stop thinking about everything—including my unwanted feelings for Dean. I throw my arms in the air, swaying my hips back and forth to the music. Dean digs his fingers into my hips. We stay that way for the next three songs, my mind drifting out of consciousness, until his hand slides beneath my shirt and his fingers graze my stomach.
I love the way he touches me. How his muscular body feels pressed against mine. His long, hard cock digs into my ass. This takes me back to the night at the hotel. I wanted so badly for him to take my virginity. I wanted him to be my first. But he pushed me away. He acted like it was wrong for me to want that from him. So, why is he torturing me now?
Dean dips his hand beneath the waistband of my jeans, making me wet in anticipation. Crammed between at least a hundred people, no one can see as I push his hand lower. I’m drunk and horny, a mixture that doesn’t work well around Dean. He’s like a walking orgasm. One look at him is enough to add to my lady spank bank for a year.
“I want you, Dean.”