Page 28 of Dean (Face-Off 6)
Kat shakes my arm. “You did it, Dean! Oh, my God.” She throws her arms around my neck, and her sweet scent fills my nostrils. “You’re going back to Philly.”
Which means we have no shot of ever being together.
My head pounds as fast as my heart, the intense migraine paired with my anxiety a horrible combination. The beer is practically leaking from my pores. I knew better than to drink that much last night. Now, I have to step on stage and accept my spot on my new team. Nick hugs me as I pass down the row. Duke even shakes my hand. Austin stands up when I reach the end of the aisle to allow me pass. He slaps his hand down on my shoulder and congratulates me.
None of this feels real. When I was a kid, making it pro was a dream. I never thought anyone like me could ever get this far. My mom should be here. When I step onto the stage and look out into the crowd at the United Center, I wish my mom were here. Instead, I find a smiling Kat sitting next to her dad and brothers. I wave in their direction, all of them watching me as I accept my place with the Philadelphia Flyers. The event center is packed, the energy in the air electric. On the most important day of my life, I should be happier.
I smile when I put the Flyers hat on my head. Photographers are snapping my picture, dozens of flashes blinding me. This is everything I have ever wanted. All of my mom’s struggles were worth it. But when I look into the sea of people before me, my eyes are drawn to Kat. She becomes the center of the room, the center of my world. I had hoped I would end up in Chicago. That was our only chance to be together. And now, I have to come up with another game plan.
Chapter Fourteen
Staring up at the ceiling of the guest bedroom, I lay flat on my back and think of Kat. With the entire Baldwin clan up our asses all night, we had no time to ourselves. They watch over Kat like a hawk. The minute I tried to get Kat alone, Duke was there, lurking as if he knew I needed to talk to her. Then the twins wanted us to play NHL 19 with them.
With the twins down the hall, I wonder if I can sneak out of my bedroom to talk to Kat. Austin and Duke went out drinking with friends after Kat said she was going to bed. From the way they were talking, they’ll be out until the morning, which leaves me at least a few hours before they come home if the twins don’t cockblock me.
I step into the dark hallway. For once, the house is quiet. Theo and Travis are so damn loud I can hardly think when I’m around either of them. I shut the door behind me, walking on my tiptoes toward Kat’s room. Luck must be on our side for once because I make it to Kat’s room without a sound and push my way into her room, locking the door behind me.
Kat flicks on the lamp next to her bed, and the soft glow illuminates her face. “What’s going on?” She rubs her eye with the back of her hand. “Is everything okay?”
“No, nothing’s wrong,” I whisper as I make my way toward her massive four-poster bed fit for a queen. “Were you sleeping?
“I tried but all I did was toss and turn.”
“Can we talk?”
She pats the mattress. “Get in. Maybe I’ll get some sleep with you next to me.”
I crawl in beside Kat and roll onto my side, staring down at her as I slide my arm under her head. “I have to tell you something.”
Her lips part, but she doesn’t speak.
“I love you, Kitten. I just wanted you to know that.”
She presses her hand to my cheek and smiles. “I love you, too, Dean.”
“Then, tell me what’s going on.”
She sighs. “I still don’t know what to think. It’s like we’re friends but we’re not. Our relationship has changed. How do we move past what happened?”
“I apologized a thousand times. I’m sorry for making you feel like a puck bunny. You know you’re not. I would never treat you like one. I still want this to work. I think we have something worth exploring.”
“Dean, you’re moving to Philly. I live in Chicago.”
“I don’t care if we live in different countries. I want to be with you.”
She tilts her head to the side and bites her lip. “How do we do this? Long-distance relationships rarely last.”
“We can make anything work.” I hover over her, our mouths so close they’re almost touching. “I will do anything. I don’t want to lose you. I love you so damn much I’m in physical pain. Not talking to you every day is killing me. I need you in my life.”
“You’re my best friend,” she whispers.
“And you’re mine.”
“Why did we have to kiss?” She shakes her head. “Everything was perfect before that night.”
“Love hurts,” I say against her lips. “You have to be willing to feel the pain with me. I know you love me as more than a friend. I see the hurt in your eyes every time I look at you.”