Page 24 of More than Friends
I groan in response. My head spins from the pure pleasure that Dean delivers with each flick of his fingers. My orgasm is right there, on the verge of sending me over the edge, when a knock on the door causes Dean to stop moving and me to panic.
He removes his fingers and hops off the bed to find his boxers on the floor. He steps into them, just as Theo pounds on the door again and yells, “Hey, asshole, are you in there?”
The sound of my brother’s voice has me in full-blown freak out mode. I wrap the sheet around myself and slide off the mattress.
I look at Dean, the adrenaline rushing through my body, and hold up my hands. “What should I do?”
He scans the floor and lifts my clothes and shoes in a hurry, handing them over to me along with my purse. “Hang out in the bathroom for a few,” he says under his breath.
I walk over to the bathroom, with my hands full and my body on fire from the fear, only to find the door locked. “Someone is in here,” I mouth to Dean.
He tilts his head to the side and scratches his jaw as if thinking about our next move. Another bang on the door causes both of us to jump.
“I know you’re in there, Dean,” Theo says. “Open up.”
Unsure of what to do, Dean points toward the closet and motions with his head for me to get in. As if this situation isn’t awkward enough, I have to hide in a fucking closet that probably smells like ball sweat. Well, knowing Dean it’s not too bad since he’s a clean freak. Still, the entire situation is ridiculous.
Without another thought, I hurry across the room and open the door to the closet. What choice do I have? After last night, I’m slightly paranoid about anyone seeing me in Dean’s room. We already have enough people on campus talking about our relationship. Rumors of us having sex are a complication we don’t need, not when I have enough attention from my famous family. All eyes are always on the Baldwins. People watch us like hawks, hoping to get some dirt on us they can sell to the media.
I have enough room to duck under Dean’s clothes and sit on the floor. Sharing a space with a Brauer hockey bag that smells like a locker room wasn’t what I had in mind when I threw myself at Dean last night. I was hoping for something a little more romantic. The breakfast he promised me would have been a nice start.
“About fucking time,” Theo says, barging into Dean’s room. “You’re alone?” He sounds confused. “What happened to the puck bunny you were banging? She was giving my girl a run for her money last night.”
Oh. My. God. I could die in this closet from shame. My brother, of all people, heard me having sex with Dean. And Theo was in the other room with a girl who was trying to outdo me? Gross.
“I kicked her ass to the curb hours ago,” Dean says in his usual cocky tone.
Ugh, I hate when he acts like Dirty Dean. While his voice is sexy-as-fuck and music to my ears, his words hit me like a punch in the gut. Did he kick me to the curb? I guess you could say that. But would he do that to me? No. I don’t think so. Would he? I’ve become more than his best friend. Now, I’m one of Dean’s puck bunnies. Shit.
Dean isn’t like my brothers. He doesn’t whore around with any girl who flashes him a smile and a nice pair of tits. Unlike the twins, he has standards, which is odd for someone as good looking as Dean.
I know Dean better than anyone does, and because of that, I trust him. He has no reason to lie to me. I know Deans’ habits, the things he hates, how many girls he has been with, and just about every detail of his life. Now, I’m no different than a puck bunny, balled up on the floor with his fucking hockey bag.
Another ten minutes pass, where Dean and Theo discuss my porn star moans and what their girls did with them in bed, my stomach turns from their conversation. While I know Dean is playing it off as if I were some random hockey hooker, I want to puke in his sneakers just for talking about me like that.
What a dick.
The door slams behind Theo, and a few seconds later, Dean comes to help me off the floor. He hooks his arm around my back, pulling me into his chest. I hadn’t realized I was crying until Dean wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry, Kitten. Please don’t cry. I had to lie and act like you were some girl I met at the party.”
“This is why we never did this, Dean,” I choke out between sobs. “We can’t even be together in the traditional sense. Am I supposed to sneak around
with you until we graduate? I had to hide in a goddamn closet while you and Theo talked about me like I was a porn star you were auditioning last night.”
“You were loud, babe.” The corners of his mouth turn up into a wicked grin. “If sports broadcasting doesn’t work out for you—”
“Don’t even finish your stupid thought,” I say, interrupting his train of thought. “This is not the time to make jokes.”
Starting with my forehead, he plants a kiss on my skin, making his way down to my cheeks. He kisses away my tears along with my anger. I melt into him, our bodies meshed together as one, as he edges his way down my jaw and to my lips.
“I’m sorry, Kitten,” he whispers between kisses. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
Once his tongue invades my mouth, I get lost in him, almost forgetting about the rage that had bubbled inside me only a few minutes before. But between those kisses, reality sets in for me. I still have to make my walk of shame out of this house.
How the fuck am I getting out of here without Theo and Tucker seeing me? They will never believe that I stayed in the same room as Dean and a puck bunny. Plus, they know that Dean would never subject me to something so awful.
If the twins see me crawling out of this room, after all the things Dean just said to Theo, I have no doubt it will start a fight. One I will have to break up. I can’t be the reason Dean loses his closest friends. He has so few people he can trust.