Page 19 of Claiming Cinderella
“Yes.” I didn’t want to talk about death or my mother or anything else that would bring me down. Despite the twins and their drama, I wanted to have a fun time. At least make the most of dancing with him, which would surely end the moment the twins found us.
“That’s a beautiful necklace.”
“Nice subject change.” I figured he’d only remarked on my necklace realizing I didn’t want to talk about death.
“I’m serious. It’s beautiful. But, yeah, I wanted a way to steer away from that darkness. I know all too well, believe me. It sounds like we’re going through something similar.”
“Thanks. I made the necklace myself, though, in case you’re interested. I like making jewelry, and it’s always been a passion of mine.” His eyes seemed to light up with surprise, and I wondered if it was the fact that I could make such intricate pieces, or if he was surprised someone like me had passion.
“That’s amazing. You’re very talented. May I?” He gestured to the pendant, and when I nodded, he took the cool, silver pendant into his fingertips. “You’ve got passion and skills. I like that in a person.” He tilted his head and dropped his hands back down to mine. “I’m glad you came.”
“Thank you. It’s a lovely party.” I looked around at the decorations and could see the gorgeous mansion beneath it all. This was all his, and taking it all in. I realized I was dancing with a billionaire. The entire place was decked out in gold and white for the gala, with big vases of the biggest red roses I’d ever seen.
“Oh, it’s okay. It’s not really my style. That’s why I insisted on inviting the locals. She wanted the entire party to be nothing but rich snobs, but I thought that inviting all of my friends would be a bit of a shake-up.” His playful grin sent chills down my spine.
He’d invited all of these people solely to get a rise out of his mother. It wasn’t that they were his friends or he’d wanted to enjoy their company or even meet someone new, nope, he thought inviting the locals would be a nice dig at his mother. My stomach turned thinking he was probably the conceited asshole that rumor had labeled him, and I didn't want anything more to do with him.
“You’ll please excuse me. It was lovely talking to you, but I think I had better go freshen up.” I stepped away from him before he could say much in protest.
In my heart, I was upset that he’d turned out to be just another jerk, but I knew I’d dodged a big bullet.
Chapter 10
Ella tore away from me so fast that I was left spinning in my mind. I thought about what I’d said and hoped that nothing had distracted her. Surely, she was just worried about her friends. I walked across the room, and Zep came up behind me tapping me on the shoulder.
I spun around and sank against the wall.
“What’s gotten into you? Are you already starting to wear out tonight?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s that girl. Ella, the one who showed up earlier without an invitation. She’s a goddess, and I think I’m falling in lust with her as we speak.”
“Well, shit, that’s not good. I have a feeling the only way I’m going to land Sadie is if you’re promised to be there. She’s hung up on you, man.”
“Sadie is a lunatic. No thanks. Besides, with any luck, I’m taking Ella to bed tonight.”
“That wholesome little thing? Good luck with that. Just help me land my pair of aces, and you’ll be free to disappear with your girl. All they’ll need is a promise.” Zep shrugged and gave me a wide grin. “Once I get them in my bed, it’s not going to take much work to keep them there.”
“I’ll do it if you promise to keep them out of my hair tonight. I don’t need them scaring off my girl, and we need to try and find out who she came here with. It doesn’t matter, but I’m curious. I want her story.”
“I’ll see what I can do. What if she’s some lunatic too?” Zep chuckled. “You’re not going to want to snag Sadie back from me, are you?”
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell of that, friend. She’s all yours. I could take my pick of anyone else if this doesn’t work out, but honestly, I’d be happy just to get her to talk. I’m liking what I hear so far. She’s got the talent and passion I wanted, and she’s an artist.”