Page 41 of Claiming Cinderella
Zep looked at my mother and shrugged. “I’m sorry about last night.”
“I should have knocked. I suppose it’s what I get for barging in, but promise me you’ll leave those dreadful girls alone.”
Zep shook his head. “I can’t promise that. I’ve kind of got a date with Halle.”
Patricia got to her feet and headed for the door. “Please tell me she’s the one who at least has the personality.”
Zep and I exchanged a glance as she left the room, not quite certain which twin she thought had a personality, and knowing full well neither of them really did.”
“You’re seeing Halle again?” I gave him a look of disapproval.
“The sex is good, and she lets me do whatever I want.” He wagged his brows and I knew what he was meaning was she lets him put it wherever he wants.
“Don’t tell her about Ella being her sister.”
“I promise. If you tell me at least one, juicy detail.” His blackmailing skills had always been pretty good.
“How about you don’t say anything, and I won’t kick you out on your ass after I kick it?” We both shared a laugh, and I knew he would see things my way.
“Okay, okay, fine. But I do think it’s kind of hot we’re seeing sisters, even if they aren’t a matching pair.”
“I agree with what you said earlier.” I waited knowing he’d ask.
“What did I say?” He narrowed his eyes as if thinking about it.
“That part about you needing to find a new fantasy.” I picked up a pillow from my bed and hurled it at him. “Preferably one that doesn’t include sisters. You know, since it was so terrible.”
A slow, sly smile spread his lips. “It wasn’t that bad.”
I shook my head as laughter filled the room. “Asshole.”
Chapter 21
I tried to put aside my differences with the twins so that I’d be able to continue working for them without a grudge making things more difficult. If I had known what a challenge it would be for them to civil themselves, I might have reconsidered.
I was up in their room with them as they waited for word from their mother who was busy negotiating their latest contract for the reality show. It seems the renewal depended on the girls taking a cut because of their bad behavior, but Nola wasn’t having it.
Halle’s phone rang, and she and her sister huddled close to listen to Nola on speaker phone. “We’re going to be busy doing promos, so you two should be ready to work and in prime condition. I don’t want anything getting in the way of your work this season.”
“So, we’re in? And with the same contract amount as before?” I’d never seen Halle or Sadie nervous, but it seemed that the two were capable of human emotions. Who knew?
“Yes, and I fought tooth and nail for that, so don’t ruin it. Keep your noses clean, and we’ll be good for another two years at least.” Nola’s voice was stern, and I could imagine the look on her face was much the same. She’d worked hard for her girls, and even though I didn’t care for her, I couldn’t deny that she loved her children and would walk through fire for them.
Sadie’s chest swelled up as she huffed. “We should have gotten more this contract.”
“Yeah, well that little stunt of yours didn’t do us any favors.” Halle gave her sister a wide-eyed look, and from the look on Sadie’s face, she didn’t appreciate it.
Neither did her words. “You’re the one to talk! Why don’t you try keeping your legs together this season and maybe we won’t have as much scandal following us around.” It was almost comical when the two went after each other, and as long as I was out of the line of fire, I didn’t mind their constant bickering.
“You two stop it. I’d like you both to settle down this season, which leads me to my next request. I’ve promised the producers that we’ll see a different side of you. They’ve wanted to see romance with Halle and a love interest and for you, Sadie, they’d like you to either settle in a relationship or focus on a talent. The audience is turning on you, and they don’t know how long they can survive with your bullshit.” Both girls rolled their eyes at their mother’s voice, but I knew if she was in the room with them, they wouldn’t be.