Page 54 of Claiming Cinderella
Nola’s chin lifted, and she gave me a tight smile. “Before you leave, I’d like for you to explain something. It seems that you’ve been running your mouth around town and well, I’d like to know just where you get off creating such rumors. As for your resignation, you can forget it. You’re fired.”
Scott Blue’s head raised and he gazed at Nola like she’d lost her mind. The twins went bug-eyed, Halle who cleared her throat and took a sip of water, and Sadie dropped her fork which made a clanking noise that no one else seemed to hear.
“Nola, what’s the meaning of this?” My father sat up straight in his seat, and my heart started to race.
“It seems that Ella here has been running her mouth around town that she’s the long-lost daughter of Scott Blue. As if our hospitality weren’t enough, now she’s trying to damage our reputations.”
Sadie stood up at the table and crossed her arms. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“As if,” said Halle with a laugh.
“You see what kind of trash you chose over me? She’s not only nobody, but she’s a liar too.” Sadie stepped up to Aiden and crossed her arms.
I glanced back to Scott who just sat there, not saying a word and looking like he was going to be sick.
“I’m only sorry you had to learn about her this way, Aiden.” Nola offered him a warm and caring look. “Thank goodness your mother had the decency to tell me what she’s been saying.”
I turned to look at Aiden whose face had gone pale. He’d told his mother after I’d asked him not to and I could only guess why. He wanted her to like me.
“You know, Ella. These are the kind of rumors that ruin marriages and cause messy divorces. I mean, if this were true then I’d have no choice to sue for divorce seeing that at the time of your conception I was married to my husband.” She sent a pointed glare his way, and he kept his eyes hard on hers.
“Why would you say something like that? How low can you get? I mean, I knew you envied us, but wanting out father for your own? How pathetic.” Halle covered her mouth and giggled. “I’m sorry, mom, but it’s just so laughable.”
“It’s hurtful. Please go upstairs and get your things. Our hospitality ends here.”
Aiden stepped forward, glaring across the table at my father. “Are you her father?” I released a breath unsure that Aiden still believed me. I knew Millie hadn’t lied.
“It’s not possible. I’m sorry if you’re mistaken, Ella. Your mother meant a great deal to us, but I’m afraid that you’re wrong about me.” His words were final. He would never claim me as his own flesh and blood.
“See what happens when you try to do a nice thing for people. I’m only sorry you were fooled too, Aiden. I know your mother told me she’d talk to you about all of this.”
Aiden shook his head, and he was as confused as I was.
I wanted to bring up the house and why Nola had lied about the bank foreclosure, but it seemed she’d already won that battle too. All she had to do was deny any of it, and everyone would believe her over me. Of all the days for Millie to be gone. But I wouldn’t throw her under the bus. I cared too much for her and only hoped that in the end, she’d make it right.
I hurried out of the room and up the stairs determined to leave Aiden behind as he followed. But as we got to the top of the stairs I spun around and pushed against his chest.
“Get out!” The words were so painful to say, but I meant them. At that moment, I meant them with all my heart and every ounce of truth in me.
“Ella? You can’t mean that. I’m on your side.” If only that were true. He hadn’t had any faith in me, or he wouldn’t have had to tell his mom about mine.
“You told your mother! All of this is your fault.”
“I’m sorry. I only said something because she was so hard pressed to believe you were the twin’s maid. I wanted her to know who you were.”
“No, you wanted her to know who my parents were, hoping that she’d like me because she’s too shallow to like a fucking maid who came from regular people. That’s your problem, not mine. And as for the house. I don’t want it! I don’t want anything from you!”