Page 49 of Force of Feeling
‘When I think of how angry I was! You see, I thought she’d just turned her back on Guy, and that the baby…’
‘Guy’s a grown man, Meg. You can’t run his life for him. He wouldn’t thank you for interfering. You know that.’
‘But it’s so obvious that she loves him, and he thinks—he thinks she’s involved with someone else!’
Tait had come to the same conclusion but, unlike his impetuous wife, he did not believe in interfering in the lives of others.
‘I’d better go and ring her friends.’
When she came back, half an hour later, Meg looked pleased and rather bemused.
‘You’ll never guess what happened!’ she told him. ‘I couldn’t believe it myself at first…’
‘It must be far-fetched, then,’ her husband agreed drily.
* * *
‘Yes, very unfortunate indeed.’
Meg was disappointed. She had expected more of a reaction than that. ‘Well, we’re going to have to do something. You must see that.’
‘No, Meg,’ Tait told her firmly, adding, ‘what I do see is that we have a young woman upstairs, who’s four months pregnant, and who is not at all well. Any shocks at this time…’ He saw her face fall, and said gently, ‘I know you mean well, Meg, but have you thought? Guy might not be as thrilled to discover that he’s going to be a father as you seem to think.’
Campion, standing in the passage outside the kitchen door, heard every word. Odd that she should feel such pain when, after all, they did nothing other than confirm everything she had thought herself.
‘You mean, I mustn’t tell him,’ Meg said wistfully.
‘I don’t think it would be very wise, or very fair, do you? If, as you say, he’s already left for the States… He’ll be there for close on two months, and then we’re all flying out to Canada for the wedding.’
‘But he ought to know,’ she protested stubbornly.
‘Meg,’ he took hold of both her hands in his own, ‘have you thought that there’s nothing to stop Guy from getting in touch with Campion if he wishes to do so?’
‘He thinks she’s involved with someone else.’
There was a tiny silence, and Campion felt her heart pound.
‘I know what you’re trying to tell me, Tait,’ she heard Meg saying shakily at last, ‘but you’re wrong, I know you’re wrong. It’s all Sandra’s fault…I’ve never liked her.’
‘I thought she was your best friend,’ Tait responded drily.
‘That was before! Tait, what are we going to do about Campion?’
‘Nothing. There’s nothing we can do,’ he told her firmly. ‘Both she and Guy are adults, Meg. We can’t interfere.’
Very quietly, Campion went back to her room.
So, now she knew. Like her, Guy’s brother-in-law believed that Guy was glad to be free of their relationship, and that he wouldn’t welcome the news that she was carrying his child.
IT WAS two days before Campion was allowed to go back to Lucy’s. Two days, during which Meg haunted her bedroom, regaling her with tales of her childhood, and Guy’s care and devotion. She learned how he had sacrificed his own education, how he had left school and gone to work at eighteen. How he was the most perfect big brother that ever existed.
Meg even brought her twin sister to see her. Alison was a slightly softer version of Meg, but very obviously just as devoted to Guy.
Neither of them seemed able to understand why she could not believe that Guy would be overjoyed to learn that he was to become a father.
‘He’s always adored children, hasn’t he, Allie?’ Meg encouraged her twin.