Page 66 of Sprinkled with Love
“It means you have two men fighting for your attention. You need to pick one.”
She shook her head. “There’s no one to pick.”
“So you like them fighting over you?”
“What are you talking about? I told Glenn to leave me alone. As for Avery, we’re just friends.”
Suzanna got an oh-no-I-said-too-much look on her face. “I should get back to work.”
“Oh no, you shouldn’t. What did you mean about Avery and Glenn fighting over me?”
“I…I thought you knew.” Suzanna picked up a sculpting tool and made an adjustment to the figurine of a little boy with a baseball cap. “I shouldn’t say anything. It was gossip anyway. And you just said that you weren’t going to pay attention to gossip.”
“This is different. If there’s something I should know, you have to tell me.”
Suzanna sighed and placed her tool on the table. She leaned back in her chair as her gaze moved to the empty doorway. “Okay. Carol Bingley heard this from Gloria Weaver who heard it from Jane Farr who heard it from your next door neighbor that last week there was a confrontation in your driveway between Avery and Glenn.”
“I knew they’d run into each other, but as far as I know they didn’t actually have a conversation.”
“That’s not what your neighbor said. She heard Glenn threaten Avery to stay away from you because you two were getting back together.”
“Really? Funny, Avery didn’t mention it.” Just then the phone rang and since it was sitting closest to Jillian, she said, “I’ll get it.” Jillian rushed over to the phone. “Tangled Charms. May I help you?”
“Yes,” said a male voice. “I would like to speak with a Jillian Parker.”
“Speaking.” She wondered if someone had picked up her business card at the Bake-Off and was interested in a special order. That would be wonderful. “What can I do for you?”
“I need to set up a time for you to come in and sign the final paperwork.”
“Paperwork? Who is this?” Warning bells were going off in Jillian’s head.
“My apologies. My name is Stan Hansen. I’m with the Crawford Savings & Loan in Bozeman. I have the paperwork you submitted, and to approve the loan, we need you to come in—”
“Loan? What loan? Does this have something to do with Tangled Charms?” She’d done all of the financial business with the local bank. Was it possible they sold her small business loan? If so, would they have done it so soon?
“Uh, yes, it does have to do with Tangled Charms.” Mr. Hansen now sounded as confused as she did. “You agreed to put up your business to secure a loan for Mr. Glenn White.”
“I did no such thing!” Her voice was louder than she’d intended, but she was furious. And she didn’t care that Suzanna had stopped working and was now moving toward her. “I would never do such a thing.”
“But I have your signature right here.”
“I’m sorry, but you’ve been lied to. That is not my signature.”
There was silence on the other end of the phone. “Are you saying that fraud has been committed?”
Jillian hesitated. Fraud sounded so severe. But then again, so was trying to leverage her business—her dream—out from under her. And it wasn’t just hers, it was Suzanna’s too.
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay. I will be in contact shortly.”
Jillian hung up and immediately went in search of her cell phone because she didn’t know Glenn’s number by heart.
“What’s going on?” Suzanna had a concerned look on her face.
Jillian placed the call, but after three rings it went to Glenn’s voicemail. “I know what you did and you aren’t going to get away with it.”
For the first time since opening the shop, Jillian was relieved that they had no customers. When she set her phone aside, she realized her hands were shaking from the fury pumping through her veins. She took a deep breath and then repeated to Suzanna everything that had just transpired.