Page 2 of Beauty and Her Boss
Gaby shushed her father. “Don’t say those things.”
“So I thought the media might help. After all, they’d do anything for a big headline.”
“You certainly got their attention.” Sadly, she didn’t think this tactic was going to work, but she sure hoped she was wrong because the not knowing was eating at her, too. “There were so many reporters standing outside the police station that I had to be escorted through the back entrance.”
Her father’s tired face, with its two days’ worth of stubble, lifted into a satisfied smile. “It’s working. You’ll see.”
Her father had a bad habit of acting first and thinking later. And she was left with the task of cleaning up his messes. But this was his first and, if she had any say in it, his last arrest. “And is it worth you going to jail or paying a stiff fine that will financially wipe us out?”
Before her father could answer, the door swung open. A tall police officer with salt-and-pepper hair stepped just inside the room. “We’ve contacted the complainant.”
“And...” Gaby knew this was the time for restraint but there was so much on the line.
The officer shook his head. “He refused to meet with you.”
That was not what she’d wanted to hear. She was hoping to plead with the man and hopefully get him to drop the charges. Her father was not physically well and punishing him would not help anyone, least of all Deacon Santoro. “Surely there has to be some way I can speak with him.”
The officer cleared his throat. “I was about to tell you that he’s on the phone. You may speak with him at my desk.”
That was all the invitation she needed. In a heartbeat, she was on her feet and rushing out the door. She didn’t so much as pause to assure her father that she’d straighten out this mess—because in all honesty, she wasn’t sure she could fix things this time. But she was willing to do anything to protect her father—even from his own misguided sense of justice.
The police officer led her to his desk, where he handed over the receiver. Before she got a word out, the officer was called away to help with an unruly arrestee, who appeared intoxicated and quite belligerent.
Turning her back to the scene, Gaby said, “Hello.”
“I am not dropping the charges.” Deacon Santoro didn’t even so much as utter a greeting, friendly or otherwise.
And yet his voice caught her attention. It was deep and rich, like a fine bourbon. She didn’t need to verify who she was speaking to. After watching each and every one of his movies countless times, she would recognize Deacon’s voice anywhere.
“I would really appreciate if we could talk this out.”
“I’ve done all of the talking that I intend to do.” His sexy voice was short and clipped. “Now, I’ve spoken to you. That is all I agreed to. I must go—”
“This is a waste of time. Your father is guilty. He will have to take it up with the judge.”
With each syllable the man spoke, her body betrayed her by being drawn in by the deep timbre of his voice. Logic dictated that he was the absolute last person she should be fantasizing about, but there was another more primal part of her that wanted to hear his voice again.
Gaby gave herself a swift mental jerk. She had to stay on point. Her father’s future was depending on her getting this right.
“But he didn’t do anything serious—”
“I’d call stalking a serious charge.”
“Stalking?” This was the first she’d heard of this allegation. She couldn’t help but wonder what else her father had failed to tell her.
“Yes. He’s been making harassing phone calls, skulking outside my residence with binoculars and hounding my entire staff.”
“I’m sorry. He hasn’t been himself lately. He wouldn’t hurt a soul. If you knew him—”
“I don’t. And I don’t plan to. None of this is my problem.”
Mr. Santoro was right on that point, but would it hurt him to be a little generous? Perhaps she needed to explain the situation better. “My father, he isn’t young. And his health is failing.”
“Again, not my problem.”
This man wasn’t going to give an inch. His stirring voice ceased to affect her as she went into protective mode. “Listen, Mr. Santoro, I am sorry for the trouble my father has caused you, but pressing charges against him won’t fix anything. Surely there has to be another way to work this out.”