Page 29 of Beauty and Her Boss
“Not since the accident.”
“Because of the paparazzi?”
He nodded. “It stirs up interest in me. And it’s not my reputation so much as the people closest to me being harassed. When the reporters start their feeding frenzy, Mrs. Kupps can’t even go to the grocery store without being harassed in the parking lot. I thought staying out of public sight would help and it did for a while.”
“And then my father stirred things up.”
Deacon lowered his gaze and nodded.
“I’m sorry.” So he wasn’t hiding out here for purely selfish reasons. “Is that why you gave your grounds crew time off?”
“Yes. It just got to be too hard on everyone. Although Mrs. Kupps refused to take paid leave. She said she wasn’t going to let the reporters bully her.”
Gaby glanced away. Guilt settled over her like a wet, soggy blanket. Here he was telling her how hard the media had made the life of those around him and she was writing daily reports for QTR. She was starting to wonder if her idea to publicly out him was the best approach.
“What’s the matter?”
Her gaze lifted and she found him studying her. Apparently the guilt was written all over her face. “It’s nothing.”
“You’re upset because I don’t want to go for a walk.”
It was best to let him think that was the source of her distress. “Oh, come on. There’s no one out on the beach. Let’s go.”
“I thought the fund-raiser stuff needed to be dealt with.”
“It does. But there’s plenty of time for it. Right now, I’d like to see more of this area. I must admit I’m not used to hanging out in Malibu. And the beach here is so nice. Come on.” She reached out and grabbed his hand. “Show me around.” She started toward the door, hoping that he’d give in to her tug of his arm.
“But there isn’t much to show. It’s a beach.”
“A beautiful beach with a gorgeous sunset.”
He followed her to the door and then stopped. “But I have work to do.”
“Don’t you ever just want to play hooky?”
There was a twinkle in his eyes. “So that’s what you do? Play hooky instead of working.”
The smile slipped from her face. She couldn’t decide if he was being serious or if he was just giving her a hard time. She removed her hand from his. “I promise you that I work all day. I do a lot—more than what you’ve asked—”
“Slow down. I was just teasing you.” He sent her a small smile.
She studied him for a moment, determining if he were serious or not. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what? Harass you a little?”
“Yes. Because I don’t know you well enough to know if you’re being serious or not.”
“Perhaps I am too serious these days.”
“You think so?” The words slipped across her lips before she could stop them.
His eyes widened. “I didn’t know I was that bad.”
“Let’s just say that a bear with a thorn in its paw is more congenial than you.”
“Ouch.” He clasped his chest. “You really know how to wound a guy.”
“Well, if you want to make it up to me, let’s go for that walk.”