Page 57 of Beauty and Her Boss
It was then that he noticed a man next to her. The guy was chatting her up. Deacon stood too far away to overhear what was being said, but Gabrielle was smiling. However, it wasn’t an easy smile. It looked forced. Yet, the guy acted as though he didn’t have a clue she was only putting on a show of being nice to him.
Deacon’s body stiffened as this man had the audacity to reach out and put his hand on Gabrielle’s upper arm as though they knew each other intimately. If Gabrielle’s body gestures were anything to go by, the attention was unwanted. Deacon started forward. Before he reached the two, the guy leaned over and whispered something in Gabrielle’s ear. She pulled away. What did the man think he was up to? Couldn’t he tell Gabrielle wasn’t interested?
Deacon’s steps quickened. He would step in. Or should he? He slowed down. Was it his place to step in? After all, he had told Gabrielle to go away. What would he be telling her if he were to step in now?
Yet, this was his estate. He had a right to see that none of his guests were unduly harassed. Determined that he had a right to make sure things were all right, he continued in Gabrielle’s direction. He could see that she was no longer smiling and her gaze was darting around as though to find an excuse to slip away from the guy.
Deacon was almost at her side, when someone stepped in his way, blocking his view of Gabrielle. “Excuse me.”
“Deacon, old boy. It’s so good to see you.”
Deacon focused on the man speaking to him. It was his agent. A man he used to speak to at least once a day, but since the accident, his agent hadn’t bothered to call. The man had obviously given up on Deacon, figuring his pretty face was gone forever. Now that his face had healed, Deacon wondered if his agent realized he’d given up too soon.
“Harry, it’s good to see you.” Deacon did his best to smile, even though he didn’t feel like it—not for a man who, for all intents and purposes, had told him in the hospital that his future in Hollywood had gone up in flames along with his good looks. Of course, Harry had been smart enough to put it in friendlier terms, but that’s what it amounted to.
“You know I’ve been trying to reach you—”
“I’ve been busy.” Deacon knew whatever Harry wanted would be what was good for Harry and not something that would help Deacon. “Could you excuse me for just a moment—”
“Not so fast. We should talk. This fund-raiser was a brilliant idea. It certainly squashes those rumors of you becoming some sort of recluse. I’ve never seen the estate look better. And you, well, it’s remarkable. If I hadn’t seen you in the hospital, I’d never believe the extent of your injuries.”
“The plastic surgeon did an amazing job,” Deacon murmured tightly.
“Indeed. And this event is a great chance to get you back in the swing of things. Everyone seems to be having a great time.”
“My assistant gets the credit. This fund-raiser was her brainchild.” It wasn’t until the words were out that he realized Gabrielle was no longer his assistant. She was...well, they no longer had any sort of official relationship, but it sure didn’t feel that way to him when he saw that other guy hanging all over her. Where had she disappeared to?
“This assistant, she sounds like a miracle worker,” Harry said. “Perhaps I should try to steal her away from you.”
The forced smile slipped from Deacon’s face. “I don’t think so.”
“Well then, I’ll get straight to the point of my calls. I have a part in a movie that I think you’d be perfect for—”
“No?” The agent’s mouth gaped. “But surely you want to get back to work.”
“I am working. I’m finding that I like being behind the camera more than I like being in front of it.”
“So the rumor is true?”
“Yes. I’m starting to back some movies, and I’ll see where things go from there.”
The agent nodded as he digested the information. “If you change your mind, give me a call.”
“I don’t think that will happen.” Deacon had to admit it felt good to know what he wanted in life. And what he wanted most was Gabrielle—even though he couldn’t have her.
The agent’s eyebrows rose with surprise before his face settled into a smile. “I knew you weren’t one to hold a grudge. Glad to hear all of the ugliness is in the past.” And then as though the man didn’t know what else to say, he said, “Well, I should be moving on. I have other people that I need to speak to.”
Deacon didn’t say a word, not wanting to waylay the man. After the man moved on, Deacon’s gaze scanned the area for Gabrielle. He didn’t see her. But there were so many people that she could be anywhere.
He started moving through the crowd, but it was slow going with so many people wanting to greet him. He did the obligatory handshakes and pasted a smile on his face. But he didn’t linger. He needed to find her. He needed to—to what? Make sure she was okay? And then what?
He wouldn’t know the answer to that until he caught up with her. He stopped and turned in a circle looking for her. She had to be here. And he wouldn’t stop until he found her.