Page 60 of Beauty and Her Boss
Her father cleared his voice. “I should have said something earlier. The official accident report was released this afternoon. There is irrefutable proof that Deacon is innocent.”
“What evidence?” Deacon approached her father.
“I’ll admit
my protest in front of your place may have been rash, but it garnered a lot of attention.” He held up a hand, staving off Deacon’s heated words. “Before you say anything, it was that protest and those interviews that brought forward a reluctant witness. They have a video of the accident. It has cleared you, Deacon. My sister was the one that swerved into your lane.”
Gaby reached out and took Deacon’s hand in hers. She smiled through her tears. At last this long, hard journey was over.
She turned to Deacon. “Did you know about this?”
He shook his head. “I haven’t touched my mail or listened to my voice mails today. I was busy making sure all of your plans for the fund-raiser were carried out.”
Gaby’s father turned to Deacon. “And I owe you a big apology. Instead of accusing you of horrible things, I should have been thanking you.” He held out his hand. Deacon hesitated and then he withdrew his hand from Gaby’s grasp in order to shake her father’s hand. “Gaby tells me that you don’t remember much of the accident, but the witness reported that at great risk, you attempted to save my sister.”
Deacon visibly swallowed. “I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through.”
“Thank you.” Her father’s gaze moved to Gaby and then back to Deacon. “As long as you keep my daughter happy, we’ll get along just fine.”
Gaby glanced around to find that Newton had disappeared. She scanned the crowd for any sign of him. Thankfully she didn’t spot him. She hoped he just kept going. The farther away, the better.
When she finally turned back to Deacon, he presented her with a single, perfect red rose. The simple gesture had a profound effect on her heart and love spilled forth.
Gaby lifted up on her tiptoes and looped her arms around his neck. “There’s something else I came here to say.”
At the same time, they said, “I love you.”
As the crowd of onlookers cheered, Gaby leaned into Deacon’s embrace. He claimed her lips with a kiss that promised love and happiness.
Six months later...
“I NEED TO talk to you.” Gabrielle smiled at her new husband in the back of a black limo.
“Really?” The smile he’d been wearing all day slipped from his face. “I wanted to talk to you, too.”
“You did?” Gaby sat up straighter. She couldn’t imagine what Deacon had on his mind. “Maybe you should go first.”
“Wipe that worried look from your beautiful face. Or else I’ll have to put up that privacy divider and give you something to smile about.” His eyes twinkled with mischief.
She knew exactly what direction her husband’s mind had taken and she shook her head as a smile returned to her face. “That will have to wait.” When Deacon made a point of pouting, she added, “There’s no time. We’re almost to the airport.”
He nodded in understanding. “As usual, my wife is right.”
“Make sure you remember those words the next time we have a disagreement.” The lights of the Los Angeles skyline rushed past the window in a blur as their limo headed for LAX. They were hopping a private plane to Fiji. Their honeymoon was going to be a new adventure for the both of them.
“But if we disagree, we get to have make-up sex.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at her husband’s unabashed eagerness. “Do you ever think of anything besides sex?”
“Not when you’re around. You’ve ruined me.” He pulled her closer until she was sitting on his lap. Then he closed the divider. “We should probably save Charles from all of this naughty talk. And this way, I can show you what I was thinking about.”
He drew her head down to him and claimed her lips with his own. It didn’t matter how many times he kissed her, he still made her heart race. His lips moved hungrily over hers, making her insides pool with desire.
She knew where this kiss was headed and it wouldn’t leave time for them to talk before the flight. And there were some things they’d put off discussing for too long. It was best to clear the air now before the honeymoon began.
It took every bit of willpower to place her hands on her husband’s muscular chest and push back, ending the kiss. “Deacon, wait.”