Page 50 of A Moment To Love
“Why haven’t you ridden since?”
“My father canceled my association membership and sold my horse. He said he wouldn’t pay for me to break my neck riding some fool horse.”
The long-ago argument and her subsequent sobbing echoed in her mind like the continual wave sounds from a conch shell. She’d been devastated by the loss of something else she loved dearly—her Black Beauty.
“That had to be tough for a kid.” Sincerity rang out in the somber tones of his voice. “I remember the first time I got bucked off. After my father knew I was okay, he laughed. A big old belly laugh. I refused to let the horse get the better of me and climbed right back on. I think that’s the day I won my father’s respect as a cowboy.”
If she’d learned anything about Cord, it was that he definitely didn’t give up. He kept trying until he got it right. Kind of like how he’d defend his family’s land until the bitter end—she just hoped he didn’t wait too long to make the right decision.
“So now you see why this ride is so important to me?”
His brown eyes warmed to a milk chocolate. “Yes, I do. I just don’t think you’re ready to ride Midnight Star.”
Before Lexi could respond, Ana approached the table. “You two ready to order?”
They both ordered the same thing—huevos rancheros with a sunny-side-up egg and red sauce. Alexis’s stomach rumbled at the thought of food. She hadn’t bothered this morning with anything more than coffee. With Cord up and out of the house before she’d even opened her eyes, she hadn’t seen any point in messing up the kitchen just for herself. Besides, breakfast was never a big deal for her. Toast and coffee usually covered it.
“You aren’t going to change your mind, are you?” He leaned back in his seat, but his eyes never left her.
She shook her head.
“I should make you sign a paper saying I’m not responsible if you break your neck. How in the world I let you talk me into these things is beyond me. You know there’s a possibility he won’t let you ride him?”
“I understand. So do we have an agreement?”
“You’re either one of the most daring women I’ve ever met or one of the most foolish.”
She smiled while nerves churned in her stomach. “I’ll go with daring.”
“Now, will you sign?”
“Not until I get my ride.”
He shook his head, but a smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Stubborn.”
“And hungry.” She returned his smile.
As if on cue, Ana returned with a fresh basket of chips and another bowl of the homemade salsa. Alexis’s mouth watered. She reached for a handful of still-warm chips.
Lunch was delicious. And for once, Alexis didn’t worry about the countless calories. There’d be plenty of time for dieting when she returned to New York and had to worry about fitting into one of her many business suits. But for now, she was enjoying her new casual wardrobe and the fact that she no longer stood out—she looked like she belonged in Whistle Stop.
Cord insisted on buying lunch, saying it was his idea so it was his treat. Alexis settled for leaving the tip. When they reached the door, it swung open, and a tall, rugged cowboy stood before her. They sure grew them big, strong, and handsome in these parts.
He tipped his cowboy hat at her and smiled. “Howdy. Are you feeling better?”
“Hi.” How in the world did he know about her run-in with the scorpion? “Yes, I am. Thanks for asking.”
The handsome cowboy held the door for them to exit. He and Cord exchanged a couple of pleasantries before continuing on their way.
Once the friendly cowboy was out of sight, Alexis turned to Cord. “Who was that? And how did he know about my incident?”
Cord smiled. “I told you, this is a small town—”
“And everybody knows everything that happens.” She worried her bottom lip. “That means they all know I spent the night at your house.”
“Yes, they probably do. But relax, they’ll also know why you were there. And that man is an old friend. His name is Tony Granger. And he happened to be in Doc Willard’s waiting room with his nephew when I took you in the first time.”
“Oh.” Now she felt silly for being paranoid. “He seems like a nice guy.”