Page 17 of The Playboy of Rome
When her hand started waving around as she talked, Dante didn’t know if he should pull over or keep driving.
“He can’t do that!”
Who couldn’t do what? Was it a boyfriend? Had he done something to her sister? The fact that Lizzie might have a man waiting for her in New York gave him an uneasy sensation.
At last, Lizzie disconnected the call and sank back against the leather upholstery. He wasn’t sure what to say because he didn’t have a clue what the problem might be. That, and he wasn’t very good with upset women. He didn’t have much experience in that department as he preferred to keep things light and casual.
Unable to stand the suspense, he asked, “Problems with your boyfriend?”
“Not a chance. I don’t have one.”
He breathed a little easier. “But I take it there’s an emergency?”
“That depends on if you call getting tossed out of your apartment a problem.”
“That serious, huh?”
“That man is so greedy, he’d sell his own mother if it’d make him an easy dollar.”
“Who’s greedy?”
“The landlord. He says he’s converting the building into condos.”
Dante was truly sorry for Lizzie’s plight. He couldn’t imagine what it’d be like to get kicked out of your home. Even though he and his father had a tenuous relationship, leaving the vineyard had been completely Dante’s idea.
He pulled the car off the road. “Do I need to turn the car around?”
She glanced at him, her brows scrunched up in puzzlement. “Why would you do that?”
“So that you can catch a flight back to New York.”
“That’s not necessary.”
Not necessary. If he was getting evicted, he’d be hightailing it home to find a new place to live. He must be missing something. But what?
“Don’t you want to go back and figure out where you’re going to live? I can’t imagine in such a populated city that it’ll be easy to find another place to your liking.”
She clucked her tongue. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“What?” His tone filled with indignation, but a sliver of guilt sliced through him. “I’m just concerned.”
“Well, you don’t have to be concerned because the landlord gave us plenty of notice.”
“He did?” Lizzie’s gaze narrowed on him as he stammered to correct himself. “I...I mean, that’s great. Are you sure you’ll have time to find another place?”
“My, aren’t you worr
ied about my welfare. What could have brought on this bit of concern? Wait, could it be that you thought this might be your out with the contract?”
“No.” The word came out far too fast. He wished he were anywhere but in this much-too-small car. There was nowhere to go. No way to avoid her expectant look. “Okay, it might have crossed my mind. But I still wouldn’t wish someone to get kicked out of their home just to save me grief.”
She laughed.
The sound grated on his nerves. “What’s so funny?”
“The guilty look on your face. You’re cute. Like a little boy caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar.”