Page 36 of The Playboy of Rome
She lifted her head and looked at him squarely in the eyes. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“No, I’m not.” His breath brushed against her cheek, tickling it. “You’re special.”
She moved just a little so that she was face-to-face with him. She wanted to look into his eyes once more. She wanted to know without a doubt that he believed what he was saying. But what she found in his dark gaze sent her heart racing. Sincerity and desire reflected in his eyes.
He pulled her closer until her curves were pressed up against his hard planes. She knew this place. Logic said she should pull away. But the pounding of her heart drowned out any common sense. The only recognizable thought in her head was that she wanted him—all of him, and it didn’t matter at that moment what happened tomorrow.
His gaze dipped to her lips. The breath caught in his throat. Her eyelids fluttered closed and then he was there pressing his mouth to hers. Her hands crept over his sturdy shoulders. Her fingertips raked through his short strands.
She followed his gently probing kisses until her mounting desire drove her to become more assertive. As she deepened their kiss, a moan sounded from him. She reveled in the ability to rouse his interest. Sure, she’d attracted a few men in the past, but none had gotten her heart to pound like it was doing now. She wondered if Dante could hear it. Did he know what amazing things he was doing to her body?
Did he know how much she wanted him?
The knowledge that she was willing to give herself to him just for the asking startled her back to reality. She pulled back. She wanted Dante too much. It was too dangerous. And after being a foster kid, she liked to play things safe—at least where her heart was concerned. She’d been burned far too many times.
“What’s wrong?” Dante tried to pull her back to him.
She’d been here before, putting her heart on the line. Only then, she’d been a kid wanting to have a best friend and thinking that all would be fine. Then the parents had stepped in and she was rejected.
She remembered the agonizing pain of losing friend after friend. She’d promised herself that she’d never let herself be that vulnerable again. Not for anyone. Not even for this most remarkable man.
She struggled to slow her breathing and then uttered, “We can’t do this. It isn’t right.”
“It sure felt right to me.” He sent her a dreamy smile that made her heart flip-flop.
“Dante, don’t. I’m being serious.”
“And so am I. What’s wrong with having a little fun?”
“It’s more than that. It’s... Oh, I don’t know.” Her insides were a ball of conflicting emotions.
“Relax. I won’t push you for something you don’t want to do.”
The problem was that she did want him. She wanted him more than she’d wanted anyone in her life. But it couldn’t happen. She wouldn’t let it. It would end in heartbreak—her heartbreak.
Dante placed a thumb beneath her chin and tilted it up until their gazes met. “Don’t look so sad.”
“I’m not.” Then feeling a moment of panic over how easy it’d be to give in to these new feelings, she backed away from him. “You don’t even know me. Why are you being so nice?”
“Seriously. Are you really going to play that card?” He smiled and shook his head in disbelief. “You aren’t that much of a mystery.”
She crossed her arms, not sure how comfortable she was with him thinking that he knew so much about her. “And what do you think you know about me?”
“I know that you like to put on a tough exterior to keep people at arm’s length, but deep down you are sweet and thoughtful. I saw you with my family and especially Massimo. You listened to him and you didn’t rush him when he had problems pronouncing some words. You made him feel like he had something important to say—like he was still a contributing member of the family.”
“I’m glad to hear that my visit helped. I wish I could go back.”
“You can...if you stay here.”
What? Had she heard him correctly? He wanted her to stay? She didn’t understand what was happening here. Not too long ago she’d been the one pushing for this arrangement to work and he was the one resisting the arrangement. Now suddenly he wanted her to stay. What was she missing?
“Why?” She searched his face, trying to gain a glimmer of insight.
“Why not?”
“That’s not an answer. Why did you suddenly have this change of heart?”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I’ve had a chance to think it over. And I think that we can help each other.”