Page 126 of Bad Bad Girl
Turning his back to her, he offered, “I’ll wash your clothes while you shower.” Memories of their lovemaking were vivid in his mind—how he’d learned the mysteries of her body, the ease of making her come, the tiny moans and gasps she made as her climax built… shit! He needed to get a hold of himself, or he was going to take her right there, bending her over the sink and shoving his dick inside her in one smooth thrust from behind. His cock pulsed at the image in his head.
He heard the shower curtain open as Rebecca entered the shower. He picked up her clothes, took them out to the washing machine and started it, debating whether he should return to the bathroom or not. The thought of her naked little ass covered in soapy suds; her narrow waist, her delicate legs, and her red hair dripping down her back almost took his breath away. No, he would wait out on the couch and regain some sort of control. The woman drove him mad.
When he heard the water turn off, enough time had passed that he believed he had regained control over his libido. He walked to the bathroom and entered, hoping one look at Rebecca wouldn’t change all of that.
She stood in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She turned and smiled weakly. “I feel much better.”
“Good,” he said as he grabbed a brush and gently began to brush her wet, long locks. She stood in front of the mirror and closed her eyes as he worked the brush through her tangles.
“I’m sorry I got arrested. I really thought it was legal,” she muttered.
“It is, but being high in public isn’t. And besides, it isn’t about the arrest for me. It’s more than that.”
“I know. Driving all the way to get me was a huge inconvenience. I really wish Caine hadn’t called you. I apologize for putting you out.”
Sawyer spun her around so she was staring into his eyes. A look of shock mixed with desire twinkled in her expression. “Is that what you think? That I’m put out?” He moved a wet strand of hair away from her eye as he said, “I want to be someone you think you can count on. Someone you know will always be there for you. Not getting a call from you made me feel unimportant. Neely and Coley wouldn’t even consider not calling their men. So why was I any different? Do you feel you can’t trust that I will be there for you?”
Rebecca’s big eyes stared up into his. She’d never looked more vulnerable and more beautiful before. She opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it instead.
“I know things are new. I know I have to earn your trust. I have to prove to you that I care about your safety and well-being.” He took a deep breath to steady his nerves, then tugged on the towel until Rebecca was standing naked before him. “That is why I’m going to punish you tonight,” he went on. “It won’t be easy for either one of us, but it’s something that needs to happen.”
Chills ran through her entire body even though the heat of mortification washed over her. She could do this. Yes, she could do what he wanted. It was what he wanted, wasn’t it? Although if only he wanted it, then why wasn’t she putting up a fight? Why wasn’t she saying, ‘Oh, hell no’? And why oh why was she feeling arousal?
Sawyer gave her a quick kiss to the forehead. He kicked out her legs gently, spreading her thighs, and slid his finger into her pussy in one abrupt move. Okay, this punishment thing isn’t that bad so far, Rebecca thought to herself. But then he quickly pulled out his slickened finger, turned her around, and forced her to bend over the sink. He spread her cheeks and pressed his pussy-drenched finger into her bottom hole without any warning at all. The sudden invasion had her gasping and tightening up around his finger. Without any warm-up or stretching beforehand, his penetration felt like the size of his cock, and Rebecca tried everything she could do to relax, knowing his finger wouldn’t feel so large if she did.
Sawyer didn’t give her the chance to do so. Instead, he used his single digit to guide her toward the bathroom door. This action of walking her out of the bathroom, with his finger firmly planted in her bottom, reminded her of when mothers would grab their child’s ear lobe and pull them away from their mischief. It wasn’t easy to walk, and for the most part Rebecca seemed to be walking on her tiptoes, but he held her firmly by the arm and with his finger up her ass. The walk down the hallway toward his bedroom seemed endless as she awkwardly made her way while almost sitting on Sawyer’s hand, his one finger stretching her anus, giving off a biting sting. It appeared as though her boyfriend meant business.