Page 74 of Devil's Lair (Molotov Obsession 1)
Grinning at the incongruous thought, I carefully wriggle out of his embrace and tiptoe into the adjoining bathroom, where I find a brand-new toothbrush considerately laid out for me. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I brush my teeth and take care of business, then put on a huge, soft robe I find hanging on the door. It’s obviously his, but hopefully, he won’t mind if I wear it long enough to get back to my room.
He did destroy my dress, after all.
The thought is both disturbing and exhilarating, my pulse speeding up when I think about how he reacted when I proposed leaving. I don’t know what I’d thought his reaction would be when he learned of my predicament, but it wasn’t that.
Nothing is resolved between us, but there’s one thing I now know for sure, and it fills me with immense gratitude and hope.
Despite the danger I’ve brought with me, Nikolai doesn’t want me gone.
I’m not surprised to find him still asleep when I return to the bedroom. Between the jet lag and the long flight—plus all that sex—he must be exhausted. Holding up the sides of the robe to prevent it from dragging on the floor, I pad quietly toward the door, but as I’m passing by the bed, I can’t resist the urge to stop and stare at my new lover.
Because that’s what my gorgeous, mysterious Russian employer is now.
My lover.
Covered by a blanket up to his waist, he’s lying half on his side, half on his back, face turned partially toward me and one muscled arm folded above his head. Some men look younger in repose, softer, but not Nikolai. Sleep only enhances that dangerous, animalistic quality I’ve sensed in him—even as it heightens his striking male beauty. With those intense eyes closed, I can see just how long and thick his jet-black lashes are, how sharply carved his cheekbones. His lips are slightly parted, but even in this relaxed state, there’s something cynical in their curve, a wicked sensuality in the way their softness contrasts with the hint of stubble darkening the hard, molded lines of his jaw.
I could stand and stare at him for a solid hour, but that would be creepy, and in any case, I need to get back to my room and get dressed before the rest of the household wakes up. I don’t know what time it is, but judging by the soft light seeping through the blinds, it’s not long after sunrise—which makes sense, given how early I fell asleep last night.
With one last look at sleeping Nikolai, I tiptoe out of the room. As I hoped, nobody’s around, the house completely silent as I make my way to my bedroom. I’m not particularly embarrassed by what happened—sooner or later, everyone will know we’re dating—but Nikolai and I need to talk about it first, along with everything else.
I still feel terrible about endangering him and his family, and it’s only the knowledge that they have all those guards and security measures that’s preventing me from jumping into my car and fleeing anyway. Well, that and the fact that I still don’t have my car keys.
I’m going to seriously insist they get a locksmith here ASAP.
Stepping into my room, I close the door behind me and am about to take off the robe when I spot the figure on my bed.
My heart leaps into my throat, even as I recognize who it is.
“Did you and Kolya have a nice fuck?” Alina asks, rising to her feet—and as she comes unsteadily toward me, barefoot and wearing only a sheer peignoir, I see the overly bright glitter of her eyes and realize she’s on something.
Something way stronger than pot.
“What are you doing here?” I demand, my heart rate kicking higher as she stops in front of me, swaying. If I had any doubts about her state, they dissolve as I take in her huge black pupils and smell the sickly sweet odor of her breath. For the first time since I’ve known Nikolai’s sister, she’s not wearing makeup, and her beautiful face is pale and puffy, her green eyes red-rimmed and underlined by shadows.
“I was waiting for you.” Her pretty lips are bloodless as they stretch into an uneven smile. “My brother wanted you to get paid for the first week by noon yesterday, but I didn’t feel well enough to get out of bed until later in the evening, so that’s when I came by to drop that off.” She waves a careless hand at the thick envelope sitting on the nightstand.
“You’ve been here all night?”
She laughs, a too-bright peal of a sound. “Don’t be silly. I dropped off the envelope and left. But I couldn’t sleep, so I swung by to check on you again this morning—and you still weren’t here. So…” Her gaze falls to my robe. “Did you have a nice time fucking my brother? Rumor has it, he’s got mad skills.”