Page 96 of Fallen Daughters
“What if you refuse?” Even though Jessa asked the question, she already knew the answer.
The women shook their heads, sighed, one even gave an evil chuckle. “There is no refusal,” one said sadly.
“And whatever you do,” one woman added, “don’t tell them you are on any form of birth control. They take those women outside and put a bullet to the head and move onto the next woman to fuck.”
Chills ran over Jessa’s body and she fought the urge to vomit. Maybe it would be best to lie and say she was on some sort of birth control, just so she could end this nightmare. What would be worse? Become some sort of sex slave breeding machine, or dying?
“How many women are here?” Jessa asked.
“A lot. We can hear their cries. Both during sex and during their labor. It’s maddening really. To know we will soon add to those screams.”
“Is there no way out?”
“Death,” was the blunt reply.
Jessa sat in silence and closed her eyes. Maybe when she opened them, she would find this all to be an awful dream. Things like this didn’t happen in real life. There weren’t large groups of people that could be so evil. This wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t…
Who were these women? Did they have families, someone at home missing them? How long had they been here?
“There has got to be a way out,” Jessa said.
“There isn’t. This compound is buried deep in the West Virginian hills. Even if you somehow got in the woods, they’d find you before you could find your way out.”
“But all these people. They can’t all be bad. Surely there are some that will help us.”
“No. The belief is strong. They live by it.”
“Belief?” Jessa asked as she tested the chain and the collar around her neck to see if there was any chance of unlocking herself.
“To take back the United States. These crazy people are preparing for war. They are the sickest white supremacists since Hitler.”
“Then why do they feel they have to breed with us? How is that preparing for war?”
Another girl who had remained silent up until now spoke up. “They are preparing for a new community of sorts. Building from scratch again. They don’t plan on doing this overnight. They’ve been here a long time, is what I heard.”
Jessa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How has the government not found out about them if they have been doing this for so long? If they are kidnapping women, how haven’t they eventually been caught? Surely people are searching for us.”
“They live off the grid. Many West Virginians do, and for the most part keep to themselves. My guess is the government have no idea.”
“So we have no hope? Is that what you are all saying?” Jessa looked at each one of the women who not only were physically abused, but they were emotionally beaten. “We just sit here chained to the floor in a dark room waiting to be fucked? Have you all accepted that as your fate?”
None of the women said a word this time, but their silence was answer enough.
Jessa must have dozed off. The light from the door opening woke her as heavy boots entered the room.
“Come on, new girl. Time we take you to meet Decker. You better be a good little girl and fuck him real good so he claims you. Otherwise, there are about ten new recruits just itching to get their newbie cocks wet with your juices,” the same man who brought her in said. He glanced down in disgust at the other women cowering in the corner of the room. “They’ve already had a taste of these pussys and would love some fresh meat.” He reached down, unclasped her chain from the floor, and yanked her up to a standing position. “Walk!”
She followed his command, looking down at the women who all looked up at her with fear in their eyes. Were they scared for Jessa or for themselves? Her bare feet padded across the rocky path, and her captor didn’t slow down in the slightest so that she could take her time avoiding the larger, more jagged rocks. If anything, he seemed to walk faster every time she struggled or stumbled at all. She hated this man and would try to kill him the first minute she could. She glanced down at the chain he held as he led her like an animal and wondered if she could grab it and wrap it around his neck and strangle him with it. Sure, he had several feet on her and about a hundred more pounds of mostly muscle, but maybe if she caught him off guard…
“Come on,” he said with a tug of the chain, bringing her back to reality. Her super hero days came crashing down, and she swallowed back the fear as she was led up the stairs of a cabin much smaller than the one she came from.