Page 10 of Trinkets
“Oh no, no please,” she objected, sounding truly distressed.
But he knew better. His mind was inside hers, understanding her nature, her desire for punishment the way he understood other submissive women. Letting loose with another barrage of blows, he had her howling and miserable.
“Oh god no, no more please,” she wailed. This time, the cuts from the whip burned fiercely, especially when one thong would catch on her cunt and she would shriek. But no matter how woefully she cried, Miles was not persuaded her pitiful wails.
When he finally put down the flogger, Tessa tried to rise, but he pushed back against the bed again; his hand in rapid fire motion slapping her where the whip had just made its excursion.
“I didn’t tell you to get up,” he snapped.
“But, please….”
“Oh, we’re far from over, we’ve hardly scratched the surface of your tolerance for pain.”
She gasped in agonized dismay, and watched as Miles picked up the buggy whip and struck her ass. Almost like an ancient English cane, it gleamed, the patent finish handle and shaft looking as ominous as Miles’ eyes. A sizzle replaced the “swoosh” of the thongs, and the buggy whip cracked against her skin.
“Noooooooooo!” she bellowed, as the pain hit like knives.
Striking her ass with impassive cool, his frigid eyes fixed on the impressive mark that burned into her skin as a thin red line. He cracked it again.
“No, gawd! Aauuugh!” Her cry resonated in the steamy air.
“Silence!” Miles roared. The buggy whip sliced the air again twice more, leaving his submissive rent with searing pain. During the next cuts, her cries quieted into soft sobs, which didn’t seem to irritate him the way her screams did—though it was difficult to bear this pain in any way, silent or screaming.
After one biting cut, her body heaved to one side to escape the next, except that this one caught the side of her thigh, splitting her body with its sharp snap.
“AAAAUUUGGGG NO!” her anguished wail rose.
Miles replied with another vicious sizzle and crack. “That’s what you get for trying to avoid them, now quiet yourself!” he ordered. He cracked the buggy whip again and laid the next on.
Tessa remained silent, though her tears were bathing the sheets below her eyes. When Miles was finished, eight distinct stripes rose from the flaming surface of her buttocks. She continued weeping long after he was done, as the pain died away, and even as she realized there was some strange satisfaction at the end of her ordeal. It made no sense at all.
“To the mirror,” he ordered. Lying in the comforting cocoon of the silky sheets, she rolled over and stared at his peaceful expression. She expected him to be enraged, with a florid face, and flashing eyes; but he was calm. He gestured with his hand toward the mirror, beckoning her to follow, then turned away. Sitting quietly in his overstuffed easy chair, he opened a bottle of dark German beer to quench his thirst, and wait for her response.
“To the mirror,” he finally prompted. “You’d better hurry before the marks fade and I have to redo my work.”
At that comment, she bolted from bed—worried that he’d begin again with the buggy whip—and stared at her mussed reflection in a full-length, free-standing antique mirror. Capturing her recent anguish in its resplendent glory, the mirror revealed the glaring red lines on her ass cheeks and thighs, a perfect chronicle of her ordeal. She winced touching the roughed-up surface of her skin, and gawked speechless.
“Feeling duly admonished, are we?” he asked. His voice, indeed his total bearing, seemed lighter than it had been all day.
“Yes,” she replied.
“It will happen again, whenever I desire it, Tessa. Seeing you this way pleases me.”
She nodded absently, still mesmerized by the stripes.
“It pleases you too, doesn’t it?” He waited for a reply. “Be honest.”
“Yes.” Her voice was faint.
“I’ll be marking you again before you sleep tonight.”
“I’ll be sleeping here?” she inquired.
“For several days. You need to practice. Submissive though you are, the training will teach
you more clearly what you already know about yourself. Now, come here.”
Quickly at his side, Tessa dropped to her knees between his legs, taking his erection in hands. Her mouth easily descended over the enormous head, and fondled it with her lips and tongue. He pressed his hands on either side of her head, and pushed her down, forcing her to swallow his shaft. She gagged and choked, then tried again, for a moment allowing nearly seven inches of the hefty muscle to slide down her throat.