Page 19 of Trinkets
“Are you finished?” he asked.
“Very close,” she asked him.
“I want you to pose again?”
“You mean more time away from the museum?”
“If it can be arranged?”
“Only after these displays are finished.”
“How long will that take?”
She cocked her head, mused on the thought and guessed, “Three days, maybe?” Her eyebrows knit in consternation. “I’m not really sure.”
“Three days should do,” Miles said, “I’ll be ready for you then.”
“Three days for what?”
“Three days for you to finish here, and three days of preparation.”
“What kind of preparations?”
He didn’t answer, but gazed around the storeroom instead. He could make due here with dozens of useful props available. He started, grabbing for a length of rope.
“Stand still and put your hands behind you.”
“Here? Right now?” she questioned him.
“Yes, here. Yes, right now. No one’s going to see us?
?although I’m not sure you wouldn’t like that.”
Yes, and audience would startling, but certainly not here!
Tessa turned around and let him bind her hands behind her. “I bet you’ve been waving this nasty backside of yours all day, bending over like that. I wonder who else got to see that fine view?”
“No one but you,” she assured him.
“Too bad. Though now that I’m here, I won’t waste a perfect opportunity,” he said. From out of no where, a leather spanker appeared in his hand.
“What if someone hears?” she asked.
“You won’t make a sound, Tessa. Besides, this doesn’t strike that loudly, that’s why I chose it.”
Reaching out to her, he opened her blouse to find her studded breasts without a bra and naked. A sudden flick of his hand and the spanker landed on her right breast and then again on the left.
“Ooooo…no…” she gasped.
It wasn’t pain she felt, far from it. Her body begged for her submission; now days since their last time together, she needed this badly. He’d been with Martine the last two nights and she wondered if he still wanted her.
The spanker snapped against her breasts a half dozen more times each side, until the white flesh was glowing red. Then he came down with the leather on the very tips, where the skin was most tender, and the studs poked through her nipples, where it stung like crazy to have them nipped by the edge of the spanker.
“Oh, please!” she murmured, her face screwing up into a frightful scowl.
His slapped her face.
“You’ll take what I give you, Tessa. Be careful how you protest.”