Page 41 of Trinkets
She bucked wildly—even the slightest sensation, the slightest breeze tickled her sensitive flesh.
“Ah, yes please.”
“Reach for it, Tessa.”
She jerked, mad with need, as if she hadn’t come in weeks. Miles’ presence was like a booster rocket attached to the burning in her abdomen.
“Ah! Ah! Yes.” She panted in oblivious staccato gasps, until she screamed, letting her voice rise with its lascivious gibberish.
Finally, she jerked toward his hand as it came down on her cunt, with his fingers instantly penetrating both her holes. Her muscles squeezed against the invasion, as heaving spasms crashed through belly and she came again.
When she finally relaxed, her body stopped its incessant twitching. Miles was still looking down on her; his expression questioning. Was she finished yet?
“I get off so much more vividly when you’re here,” she said.
“That’s the way it’s suppose to be,” he said. “Can you stop long enough for me to take you home?”
“Home, my god why?” She abruptly turned into a brazen vamp, her lips and eyes pouting coyly, her hands reaching to find where he was hard between his legs. “Don’t you want me to stay?”
He pushed her hands away.
“I think you might want to get back to your life?” he said.
“Isn’t this my life?”
“I’d hoped you’d feel that way, but I have obligations and so do you.”
“But I have more time, you asked for several days. Are you reneging? Haven’t I pleased you?” She gushed on until her interrupted her.
“Shush. I don’t think you have that to worry about. I was referring to other obligations you have to me.”
“Oh, and what are those?”
“You’ll see. Right now you need to get dressed.”
Miles looked down at her legs, this time noticing the welts that Martine had left.
“How nice,” he observed. “Just as I had hoped.”
“I haven’t seen them,” Tessa admitted.
“Avoiding the truth?”
“I suppose.”
“Then you’d better get your ass inside and see what your roommate thinks of you.”
Reminded of Martine, Tessa shivered coldly, the sun choosing that very instant to find a cloud to hide behind, as if that impassioned orb could actually read her thoughts. Pulling herself reluctantly from the lounge, she hastily rushed toward the garret with Miles following closely on her tail.
Before the mirror, Tessa looked to see the lines of pain between her legs, surprised at how remarkably lovely they looked. They appeared to have been put there by a tender lover, helping her seek some rare ecstasy through the refining fire of pain. She had never thought of Martine as that kind of lover, but there was no escaping the memory of the night before, when the bitch had reached inside her soul with the buggy whip, finding a level of submission so unexpected that it had taken her by surprise. To be that willing with a woman she sometimes loved, sometimes despised, astonished her. Yet, the fact remained, she willingly allowed herself to be punished by Martine and her own body encouraged the act.
“Martine punished you with remarkable affection,” Miles observed.
“Yes, she did” Tessa admitted.
“So, perhaps you two can take off your guns and holsters and enjoy each other?”
“We did last night . . . eventually,” Tessa smiles.