Page 38 of Fire Under Glass
“You got that right.”
Nothing was working. It felt as though I were digging a hole for myself, climbing right in and covering myself with dirt. A good hour of my miserable whining and sullen mood, KC finally decided he’d had enough, “Snap out of it, Gail!”
I refused, stood up and started toward the woods. Before I realized what was happening, KC was on me. I’m not sure where my head was at—I had no clue what he was doing until he was at my side with his belt drawn from his pants and doubled inside the palm of his right hand. He drew me back to the old stump where he’d been sitting; and seconds later, I was handily over his lap, and my jeans quickly balled in a heap at my feet, effectively binding them together. He had my panties down and the doubled leather belt smacking my heinie so fast I didn’t breathe for at least sixty seconds. When I finally regained consciousness, I started to holler.
“Ouch, you ass! This is not what this is about!” I blared.
“Oh, but this is going to cure your mood!” he retorted.
“It will not!”
“We’ll just see.”
I struggled hard, kicking, even though it was damned hard doing anything with my blue jeans still around my feet. I’ve rarely rebelled when KC spanked me, but this time I had a whole lot of anger behind my protest, and a lot of craziness to get out of my system.
“You friggin’ asshole stop!”
“Ooo my, Gail, Rossi’d never you let you say that, would he?”
“You bastard!” The belt whaled on my behind, scalding the skin.
“Think that’s going to hurt me?”
“Yeeeeeouch! Dammit, you ass!”
He only paused or lessened his stroke when he thought I couldn’t stand more, then he whacked me even harder when I eased off.
I kept up my bellowing cries. Even from a distance the sound must have been quite something as it traveled through the night air into the forest. Had anyone heard? I couldn’t speculate on that. My only focus was how I was going to get off KC’s lap.
But my practiced disciplinarian had his own plan. Before I could lodge another protest, he started talking again, a diatribe that sounded like one of his know-it-all lectures.“You’re scared, Gail, and that’s okay. But you don’t need to throw away all your reasons for leaving, and you don’t need to mess things up between us. You were having fun. Let’s get back to that.”
He was making sense even though I didn’t want to listen. There were a few whacks in-between his words—I’m sure to make it clear that he wasn’t finished—not yet, anyway. Then too, he had more to say.
“You’re second guessing because you don’t know what is going to happen with your life. For now, I’d suggest you just quit thinking, and quit planning anything.” Smack!
“I’m going to confuse you so much that your figuring won’t make sense anyway. The only thing that is going to make sense right now is my belt connecting with your ass.” Smack! He gave me plenty more swats that burned right through my skin—way inside. “If I have to lay this on every night, I will. Got that?” Smack!
Yeah, I really did, but I could hardly sputter anything out, I was so exhausted. I slumped against his thighs hoping he was finally finished, and sighed, saying, “Yes, I think your cure worked.”
“I knew it would.”
He let me up after hearing that, whereupon I tried struggling back into my clothes, finally giving up. My jeans were in a tangle at my ankles and wouldn’t let go. I was laughing so much I fell to the dusty ground, hot ass first.
KC thought it was quite a hoot seeing me fight with my clothes. I was practically in tears, but that was all from relief. I felt much better with my cloud of gloom lifted.
That was the last night in three weeks I even thought about my personal dilemmas. KC suggested that I take a vacation from them. And, since I knew he’d only punish me again if I let my worries turn morose, I just ignored my life and let my days drift on thoughtlessly.
After making peace with my inner demons, I was ready for anything. I followed my lover along from one place to the next, traveling north in a zigzag fashion—obviously on our way somewhere, though I had no clue where “somewhere” was. I enjoyed not knowing—even though I was tempted to ask at least a hundred times a day.
I was even less afraid of the Harley. Those jarring sexual feelings I had after a long ride led to lots of sex once we made camp at night—sometimes even before we put up the tent. We fucked behind bushes, in streams, makeshift showers at midnight, and finally in our first motel room.
The camping? It was the first time in my life I’d ever been in the wilds like this—so much darkness and fresh damp earth, and sky and trees and seductive air. I loved it, and hated it. And was glad after three weeks when KC finally suggested we spend the night in a motel.
Ah! This was luxury—a long hot shower and a soft, cozy bed. I enjoyed the outdoors, but I would relish this vacation from the backwoods and hard ground.