Page 11 of Puppet On A String
“Sir?” Almost lost to a powerful orgasm, she whimpered hearing the abrupt order.
“You heard me, Shelby!”
She straightened and turned around with her entire body venting lust. She sensed the urgency of his own arousal reaching out to her, making her want to drop to her knees before him and take his cock inside her mouth, but she was not that bold. He turned the moment back on her with his next order:
“I want to see you get off with your own fingers.”
Had she been able to see her face, she would have seen it drain of color first, then turn bright red seconds later.
“Oh, I couldn’t!” she immediately reacted, while any erotic feelings rapidly dwindled away.
“Of course, you can.” He stepped back further, sitting down in an easy chair in the corner of his office where he waited for her to respond. For a long time she stared at him in shocked silence.
“But, Mr. Darcy, you have a meeting now!” she finally blurted out.
“Do I?” he glanced at his watch. “Ah. I almost forgot. All the better. Go on and let Mr. Jones in. I’m sure he’d like to see this too.”
“Oh, no, Mr. Darcy, I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t, I swear.” She’d been holding up her skirt and immediately pushed it down to cover her privates and restore some dignity – scant as it was, considering that her sex juices were making an embarrassing trip down her inner thigh.
“I’m surprised, Shelby,” his voice turned grave and filled with disappointment. “I would have thought by now that you’d know the price of defying me. This is not for you to think about, for you to decide if you’ll obey. You do as you’re told. That has been our agreement from the start of your employment, and it is certainly not going to change because I demand something of you that may initially be difficult. If you wish to remain employed here, if you wish our relationship to continue, you’ll follow my orders regardless of the embarrassment or pain they may cause you. Now be a good girl and raise your skirt just as it was before, go to the door and show Mr. Jones inside.”
Shelby trembled before the man she’d grown to adore, uncertain and questioning. She hesitated much too long for a woman who’d been trained to react immediately. However this time, the man seemed content to wait out her few moments of indecision. Finally, there seemed to be nothing else that she could do. Although the blush across her face was real and filled with shame, she managed to raise her skirt again, move toward the office door and after furtively peeking into the outer office, call to Mr. Jones who was waiting for his appointment with her employer.
Mr. Jones was as handsome as Mr. Darcy was hard and rugged. At first, he seemed surprised to find her, the office secretary, exposing herself so blatantly. But that surprise was short-lived. In fact, he seemed hardly shocked at all when he finally nodded pleasantly to Shelby, completely ignoring the fact that she was shaking in her shoes with embarrassment and fright.
“That’s a nice red ass she has,” he commented to
Darcy, after giving her a good long stare. The handsome Jones then moved into the office and shook hands with her employer. “So can I assume that your secretary has been getting a little necessary discipline?” he asked.
“She’s assuming the role of my sex slave.”
Shelby whipped around in shock at the words used in reference to her. “Sir?” Again her body seemed to drain of energy. She could barely speak, her small voice sounded frail.
“What, dear? Is it so repugnant to think of yourself as a slave to me? It’s what you have become. It’s what I’ve mentioned to you many times. Three short months in my employ and certainly you have become as compliant as any man’s bound slave. I think it’s time that we get the formality of the arrangement handled.”
She had been forewarned, not once but many times that something this extreme was clearly in his mind. After that first time in his office, he had sex with her nearly every day over the edge of his desk, his cock taking pleasure in what he described as the ‘unsullied innocence of her spirit and her untried body’. He seemed almost smitten with her. He called her charming – the kind of talk that made her blush. While he enjoyed her coy charms and the velvety tightness of her awakening sex, she learned lessons in submission and physical surrender to the superior male.
But Shelby had mixed emotions about the abrupt turn her life had taken – after all, she was only nineteen! Although she had few serious expectations for her life, she did have dreams: the charming prince, the virile lover, the handsome suitor. But none of her imaginings made her the love slave to a much older man. Her employer simply slipped himself into her life without giving her a choice, and there was no saying no to the powerful Mr. Darcy.
Even now as she gazed at the two men, she didn’t have a clue what to say, or how to respond. Both men were fixed on her with keen eyes and critical expressions, sitting side by side now, as Mr. Jones had taken the chair next to Darcy. She remained stock still in the center of the room some ten feet away from them, still holding up the plaid, pleated skirt to her waist. Her red ass throbbed behind her, while her glistening pussy was completely exposed to their view. The silence gripping their small tableau became profound; for Shelby it seemed to scream in her ears.
Her eyes began to fill with tears. She knew the truth about Mr. Darcy’s talk of slavery; she knew what was true about their relationship. But to have had it suddenly spelled out so blatantly, no longer couched in sensuous sounding euphemisms, made the truth a little shocking. Even he had once called her a woman of tender years who needed to be treated with some delicacy. She only wished he’d been more delicate with his rash announcement. And before a stranger…?
The fight to flee or stay returned again – even though she knew exactly how this battle would end. Mr. Darcy’s chilling statement of fact had brought her to a new level of excitement, like nothing she’d ever felt. Even if she did not yet know what slavery meant, she could not deny that this was exactly where her most outrageous fantasies led. In the dark recesses of her psyche there had always been a thrilling and peculiar place where the most foul desires cavorted unrestrained. But while being a sex slave was a wickedly delightful turn-on, to actually find herself in such a position in her real life seemed preposterous.
When she finally regained the ability to speak, she asked as a humble slave might: “What would you have me do, sir?”
The man’s face broke into a smile, seeing her statement as an act of surrender. Perhaps it was. “I’d have you bring yourself over here so I can show you off properly to my friend. I promise you, he won’t bite.”
“Yes, sir.”
Ashamed and self-conscious both, Shelby moved gingerly toward the handsome Mr. Jones.
“Turn around,” the stranger ordered, his voice had dropped to that masculine tone of command that was so easy for her to respond to.
Shelby hastened to please him, but more importantly to please Mr. Darcy, to whom she seemed irrevocably bound. Oh, never had she dreamed that her life would come to this! How could she, given her youth, desire something so extreme as slavery? Yet, at the moment, nothing seemed more natural to her than to be the object of these men’s scrutiny, her very soul judged worthy or not worthy of their time and attention. Wasn’t this what a slave would do for her master?
Shelby seemed to be following a path that had been unfolding over the past few weeks. In addition to the sex, there had been scolding lectures, and corporal punishment for mistakes she’d made in her job. At every turn she hastened to please the man, no matter what awful thing he did to her. But such a paradox. Those awful things were exactly what she seemed to live for. At night, when she went home, she’d play back her interactions with Mr. Darcy, letting them work through her imagination, finding them powerful aphrodisiacs that would send her trembling into bed where she brought herself to overwhelming orgasms.