Page 4 of Puppet On A String
“You know, you’re a very pretty girl, Ms. Ryan? Sometimes pretty girls get all kinds of opportunities to do things…” He purposely did not finish his statement, though the cruelty in his delivery had changed with his tone of voice turning sexual and vulgar, innuendo dripping from every overwrought syllable. Shelby sat before him, blank-faced and terrified, knowing that nothing good could come of this.
Perhaps their movements had been choreographed. Otherwise, there was no other reason to explain why one of the jean-clad brutes suddenly moved in, grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her. She started to struggle, but the talking man immediately slapped her face, scowling. “You resist, you’ll get hurt.” With both hands bearing down on her, he tore her jacket and blouse wide open, leaving her breasts nearly exposed in her lacy bra, the nipples nearly bared. Overwhelmed by the frightening circumstances, her beautiful chest rose and fell with every breath she took.
Once her accuser moved to his feet and walked off, the third man moved around in front and began taking pictures of Shelby’s face and chest. When the flash of his camera blinded her eyes, she tried to look away, but a pair of hands roughly forced her face forward.
“Open your thighs!” the disagreeable Raich barked the order but she didn’t move. In fact, her knees remained locked together by force of will.
The man who had been holding her from behind clamped her wrists in cuffs to keep them out of the way, then he too moved around to the front and crouching down in front of her pushed her knees wide open with a force much stronger than her own. He worked with some efficiency, strapping her upper legs to the legs of the chair so that in seconds, Shelby was utterly bound and could barely move.
When he pulled out a knife, she froze, her eyes glued to the shiny blade.
“No, no, please don’t hurt me. I’ve done nothing!” She started to weep, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
She might have given in to the feverish chaos of hysteria, but with the knife so very close, she feared for her life and was determined to keep her wits about her.
The man with the knife went on with his task despite Shelby’s protests, and sliced away at her brown pants, exposing her crotch to further humiliation. Meanwhile, the eye of the digital camera continued to record the scene.
“So, Ms. Ryan, you have something to tell me now?” Her accuser came around from behind, bearing down on her again.
“I swear if I did, I would,” she sobbed.
“Tsk, tsk, too bad you can’t cooperate. Perhaps Colonel Jessup will be able to get the truth.” His scowl made her blood run cold. But perhaps not as cold as when he snapped off his next order. “Prepare her for transfer to the anti-terror unit.” Giving her one last glance and a very dismissive one, he left the room while his two accomplices got to work.
Once Director Raich left, the table was pushed to the side and Shelby was released from the chair. Her hands were rebound in front of her then lifted high above her head where they were attached to a hook that dropped down from the ceiling. Her pants were in shreds and useless and her jacket had been discarded before her hands were tied. This left her in nothing but her underwear, her thin blouse and her high heeled boots.
After getting a good long look at the lovely young female dangling before him, the man behind her laughed, “Ooo, Jessup’s gonna like this one!” Too bad for him, he didn’t have time to ogle her body further. Getting on with his task, he stuffed a ballgag in her mouth and tied the attaching straps behind her head. “There’s nothing about this that you’ll like,” he pulled her head back by her hair, and spoke in terse tones directly into her face. “But you’d better get used to rough treatment, because where you’re going that’s the only way they treat lying cunts like you.”
The next several minutes went by in a blur of activity all directed toward one purpose. First was the gloved hands yanking down her bra, followed by the tattoo needle pressing into her delicate skin, leaving the mark JPX7 on the soft skin of her left breast. Next were metal thigh bands snapped around her upper thighs, a connecting chain between them. This way she could walk, but she couldn’t run away. Then, once her arms were lowered, she was bent over the table, her torso flat against the surface while thick gloved fingers probed their way into her anal cavity, giving her a thorough body search. That finished, the one glove was discarded and another one snapped over the hand that would probe her vagina in the same thorough way. Neither man would find anything, except perhaps some evidence of arousal, given the amount of fluid in Shelby Ryan’s velvety sex hole.
The last indignity was more painful than all the others. A metal band was snapped around her waist and locked in place. A second band that bisected her ass cheeks was fitted between her legs and then locked into the waistband above. However, before this second band was secured in place, Shelby felt the indignity of having two metal probes the size of small dildos fitted into the crotch piece so that both her anal cavity and her vagina were penetrated. The impaling wands seemed innocuous at first until the further purpose was demonstrated. For that Director Raich returned.
“Ah, very nicely done,” he said, on inspecting the tattoo, the thigh rings and the belt. “And what do you think?” He was right at Shelby’s face with the question, but of course she couldn’t speak with the ball gag in her mouth.
Looking down at Raich’s hand, Shelby saw what looked like a TV remote, except this one had a small dial with numbers one to ten. Raich had his fingers on the dial. Moments later, a soft hum and a pulse began between her legs. “You feel that?” Raich asked, sneering. The sensations that began deep in her ass and sex were clearly designed to be erotic. “That is the ‘feel good’ setting,” he informed her with a smile. A second later, the two probes seemed to jump, zapping her from inside. She doubled over with her next breath, falling against the table and screaming behind the gag. “My, we’ll have to go easy on you to start. That was only level 3,” Raich quietly informed her, “Level 5 puts you on the floor and writhing for a good ten minutes. Level 10, wellll…you won’t wake up,” he sneered again. “I think you get the message.
“So,” he sidled up to her, every bit as cruel and sleazy as before. “In a few minutes, you’ll be taken from this office, through the terminal building to a waiting plane that will take you to an interrogation unit far f
rom Vienna. We could simply have you crated for the trip, but the head of operations likes to use this as a test of a subject’s willingness to cooperate. One of my assistants will accompany you – with the remote in hand. You’ll stick to his side like you belong together, no screaming, no calling for help. You’re just another tourist making a connecting flight. You make a single peep, you’ll be on the ground at Deiter’s feet.” His expression turned especially grim. “You don’t want to know what happens then.” He moved around her one more time, letting his words settle in. “So it’s clear, Ms. Ryan, what you’ll do?”
Unable to speak, she nodded, then watched Director Raich leave the room.
In the minutes that followed, the cuffs and the gag were removed as were the rest of Shelby’s tattered clothes, except for her tall brown boots. In place of her clothes, she was given a pretty print summer dress with a stylish gathered Empire waist. She might have seen something like it in a recent Macy’s catalog. But though it did nothing to call attention to her womanly figure, it efficiently concealed all evidence of her prisoner status: the thigh bands, the crotch piece and the tattoo safely hidden away. After her harrowing ordeal in the dubious custody of slimy security guards, Shelby Ryan would step out into the airport terminal looking like a normal young female, wearing a fashionable dress, perfect for the summer season and with her knee-high, high-heeled boots.
As she walked from the detention room through the terminal, Shelby could feel the chain between her legs, and the probes that made her wince each time she felt them shift inside her ass and pussy. Her breasts felt raw and tight where that tattoo marred her once flawless skin. She might have taken some comfort in the fact that she made her way through the crowded airport without stirring anyone’s notice. But her mind was a blur, so overcome by fear that she could hardly think about her appearance, or what subterfuge her captors pulled off in plain sight.
When she finally reached the small twin engine plane for the specially chartered flight, her mind woke enough to realize that her life had suddenly been changed. There was no going back, no way to retrace her steps or make different decisions. For all her attempts to be just a normal girl, perhaps this was the reckoning, at the very least the penance she’d pay for having tried to live a normal life.
Chapter Three
The night of her capture and incarceration, Shelby Ryan lay on a cot in a dark room, in an unknown location. For a long time sleep eluded her. Still wearing the dress, the crotch piece and the thigh bands, her body could not relax; her fear was just too great. While waiting for dawn to come, she prayed that when the sun rose, she’d be rescued from this awful nightmare. With the same breath, however, she knew there’d be no rescue.
As hours slipped by in the uneasy darkness, her mind drifted back ten years to the first time her life had been so irrevocably changed. The events that began that extraordinary time were much less dramatic than the swift change that had just taken place…
“I’m Mr. Darcy, your employer,” the man spoke in a low monotone. He sat behind a large ebony desk, while Shelby stood before him. “I suppose you saw my name and immediately thought of that fairytale gentleman of English literature. You can see plainly by my looks that I have few attributes in common with that pretty boy. I’m neither pretty nor a boy. Then again we do share a healthy degree of pride.”
About that he was quite right. A bold and craggy face, deep-set eyes, bushy brows, a hard expression; these features did not describe a handsome man. And yet, there was an energy about him that was intensely alarming. Shelby was shaken from the moment she laid eyes on him. She felt it in her gut; a huge burning sensation grew from there and spread outward, all the way to her limbs. She trembled nervously before him, unsure what to do – although the thought of fleeing the scene had certainly crossed her mind. Still, despite the tattered nerves and alarming fear, wildly erotic sensations were moving quickly through her body and she could simply not budge.
She held her ground. Probably as much in fear as determination. This was a lot for a nineteen year old innocent to handle, but she was determined to do her best. Mr. Darcy’s job offer was something to cheer after a long string of disappointing interviews.