Page 43 of Puppet On A String
It was awkward taking him in her mouth from her cowering position, but she managed, just as she would manage a lot of things from now on.
She turned her head so he could thrust himself deep inside her mouth. Then he pulled back, for a time allowing her lips and tongue to taste this salty skin of his slickened crown. He held her by the hair and drilled her. She hated that she couldn’t use her hands – but as a surrendering female, she loved it just as much. His forceful dominance, that dared demand this kind of submission from her, was new to them both. This was Darcy’s territory but Padraig had a style all his own: hands that loved, that caressed and hurt in the same instant. Darcy had won her with words and assumptions and the authority of his age. Padraig won her with his open heart.
When the mouth fuck was finally enough, he got back to the business of smacking her cooled down ass cheeks with his belt. The flesh went from cool to hot in seconds, then another massage and she was at that precipice again.
“Oh, I’m going to come!” she announced with her body writhing underneath his powerful hand.
“Like hell you’ll come!” he stopped the massage abruptly. “You come now, and I’ll leave you tied up all night.” He stared down at her with a fixed gaze. “Oh, maybe you’d like that, right? Well maybe not if I hogtie you and toss you in the closet.”
“Padraig, you wouldn’t!” She looked back at him in horror.
“You want to test me? You brought out this beast in me, you got to live with it now.”
Already, the fiery warmth on her punished bottom had dwindled down enough so she no longer feared slipping into a verboten climax. She had no desire to be punished by a single-minded lover on this their first night back in each other’s arms. It was easy to reply, “No, sir. I’d better not tonight,” and smile at him with sheepish longing.
“An’ you’d better not ever test me,” his next warning made her shudder so deliciously that it produced a delightful spasm deep inside her bel
She wondered if he was bluffing or if he had the heart of a sadist? Would he follow through with his threats? It was a juice quandary to think on – but on some other day, not now.
“No, sir. I have no plans to test you.”
“You come when I tell you to and not before?”
“Yes, sir.” The smile that followed reflected all the wicked thoughts moving through her kinky brain – like how amazing it was that what she desired from a lover could be found in the very man she had grown to love.
There was little time to think on these things; Padraig was quickly back to business, smacking her with his belt until there was something rhythmic and symbiotic about the act. A fierce wave of mutual desire and need washed over them both: the catharsis at the end of long strained weeks. Endorphins were firing off, the sweet bliss, the masochist’s reward descending through her body now. She retained just enough conscious thought to keep her promise not to come without permission, but it was getting harder with each second that passed.
“Oh, dear god, Padraig, I really can’t hold back!” she finally cried. “Please, you sweet dear man…”
He stopped with his leather belt, tossing it to the floor. “You can wait,” he told her, as he positioned his naked body behind hers and speared her spasming cunt. She almost lost it then.
Thankfully, he spoke the words she was dying to hear, “Come if you like, slut,” while he was gaining his momentum.
Seconds later, her body spasmed into a hard climax, “Yesssssssssss!” she hissed. “Yesyesyesyesyes….” crying and jerking and twisting, her insides clutching his cock tight as if she’d never let go.
Only after her spasms began to die away did she realize that Padraig was pressing his fingers into her asshole and pulling his cock out of the tight place below. A little gentle prodding with the head of his penis, and he breached her backdoor. A firm thrust and he was fully inside.
Another kind of eroticism began to bloom in her – this a submissive and lowly kind of arousal. This was always how it felt when she took a cock in her ass. Except that this time was nothing like the times she plumbed these depths in the past, when it was with men who didn’t care, who used her ass for the kinky sport of it and gave her nothing else. Padraig gave as much back to her as she poured out to him. Their love and lust mingled freely.
With powerful thrusts and heated cries, he suddenly ejaculated, setting off another climax in her – although this one was from a deeper and more earthy place of sexual need. It was not a delicate thing. Sparks shot before her closed eyes, vivid as fireworks. And they clung to each other with an animal fervor for minutes as he pumped his seed inside her ass.
But it was more than just a hot ass fuck. All the other times when a man took her in the ass, it was something to get used to and maybe enjoy. This time, her whole being was engaged. Love did matter during sex. Padraig proved that to them both.
“Dammit, lass, you’re gonna wear me out,” he sighed heavily when he finally caught his breath.
A moment later, Shelby collapsed against the bed causing his dwindling erection to slip out. Then he pushed her to the wall and curled up next to her on the small bed, his hand in her hair, his lips meeting hers and kissing them gently for a long while.
The redolence of their body sweat and pheromones filled the air. Their hearts seemed to clamor for the touch of skin, the smell of warm breath, the feel of their sexual urgency renewing itself. Just minutes after the orgasm had finally died away, they could feel the arousal returning, and for a long while, they wrapped themselves in each other’s arms with their legs scissored and his pulsing cock against her labia.
“So does this prove anything to you, Shelby Ryan? Does this show you who I am? Are you going to doubt me after tonight?”
She smiled. “You think I’m going to wear you out…I’m thinking you’re going to do the same to me.”
“Good. I want to keep you happy.”
“Oh, I am happy. You have no idea…”