Page 11 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
Tony stared at her for sometime, looking as if he was collecting his thoughts, organizing his mind and about to make some important proclamation.
Melanie waited with baited breath.
"You're obsessive about your Aunt, aren't you? What is it about her that's so appealing to you?"
Melanie thought of a dozen things to say to him that might brush off her fascination with Aunt Daisy in single stroke, but that wasn't what came out of her mouth.
"It was her relationship that intrigues me."
"Oh?" Tony's face changed abruptly. Something about the way his wife spoke piqued his interest.
"I've been reading some of her papers, and . . . ." She wouldn't admit to the diary for fear that he'd want to see it.
"And what?" Tony asked.
It wasn't a question that she could avoid, especially the way he looked at her. It was uncanny the tension between them, the expectancy that was written all over Tony's face, like he might already know what had been burning in her heart for days.
Melanie thought for sometime, trying to find the right words to ask for what she wanted. Never in her life had she wanted anything so much as she wanted Tony spanking her bottom right now. But could she possibly ask for that and not have him rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter?
"Melanie?" Tony asked again.
She shook her head. "It's too hard to explain," she answered. "Let me go get us some lunch and I'll call the contractors about the gazebo this afternoon." She didn't like changing the subject, but she felt that she hadn't much choice. Even given his unexpected interest in spanking moments earlier, she knew it was merely a fluke. He wasn't the same man as Joseph, and there was no use thinking that he might be. Perhaps he was right, she was spending much too much time musing over her Aunt and her romantic life. She needed to spend more time getting the house completed and less in a useless dream world. That would certainly make Tony happier, even if it didn't make her any happier.
Melanie gave her husband a gentle smile and took off for the kitchen, where Tony heard her rattling pans and opening the refrigerator. She'd changed the subject of their conversation—something, that on most occasions, he would have let go without another word. But there had been a strange look in her eye, something he'd never seen before. A look as if she was haunted by something from the past, or something in herself. And this odd talk of spanking, she sounded as if she really meant it.
Tony had the strangest suspicion that the answer was upstairs, in the attic. Maybe it was time to do a little research to find out what captivated his wife so much. Just as soon as he had a moment, he planned to take a really good look at her Aunt Daisy's world, and find out just what was the mysterious fascination.
Chapter Four
The Dairy was open in the middle.
This is such a long amazing journey. I don't know where to begin this time. It's been weeks since I've written and I can hardly keep up with the changes that have taken place in my life. But I've got to put some of this down on paper, perhaps it will help me be more at peace with everything that has unfolded.
I know it was Joey's call to duty, Such a intensely loyal man, it shouldn't have surprised me when he enlisted in the Navy.
But the shock! Seeing him in that fine uniform just sent my blood boiling. All the feelings I've had for him raced through me, I felt as if I was soaring. My only worry was that his talk of marriage would suddenly be forgotten in the mad whirlwind of this great change.
Oh! It was horrible, I cried for days before and after Joseph left. He was angry with me for being so selfish and petty.
"There's a war going on Daisy," he said taking my shoulders in his hands, and forcing me to look at him. "Do I have to spank you, or are you going to buck up and be brave?"
"I'm trying," I told him. "But our plans?" I asked with my most pitiful look. He had no idea how devastating this was for me.
"Plans change," he reminded me. He looked at my distressed face, and his own stern one began to brighten. "Now don't you worry, Daisy Markham., you will be my wife. I'm not going to have spent all this time and energy keeping you in line for nothing." He gave me a little pat on my rear to accompany his knowing look. "I've invested far too much in this bottom, and that pretty head, to run out on you now. But we do have to wait. I have to ship out tomorrow, so let this be a good night."
He put his arms around me and held me tightly to him. We kissed long into the night. I just didn't want to say good-bye. I think I might have let him spend the night with me, but he wouldn't do that.
"I won't do anything to smudge your reputation, as much as I'd like to go to bed with you," he said.
When we parted, I was close to tears again.
"Now don't you start, or I'll give you something to really cry about," he warned me.
At that point I was almost ready to ask him to spank me again. We would have at least been together for a few more minutes. Another trip over his firm strong lap would almost be pleasant. I imagined that fine broad hand of his coming down on my bottom. It would burn terribly, but all that pain would be worth it, just to feel that powerful sensation that passes between us after he's finished.
But alas, Joseph left before I could kick up enough of a storm to warrant a spanking. I watched him walk down the street. He turned and waved to me, then walked on until he was just a tiny speck in the distance. I was so afraid I'd never see him again.
The three weeks that followed that goodbye were sheer torture. I heard nothing from him and was beginning to think that he'd forgotten me. I know he was in training and that he'd have a problem getting time free to call, or even write me; but I was so anxious, I couldn't stay at home any longer. I had to do something.