Page 33 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
"You want to start again?" Tony warned, seeing that all the angry fire in his wife's expression was not gone. He might have made a temporary impression; but she was still agitated about something, and it wasn't likely to go away until they had a repeat performance.
"Please no," Melanie was finally softening.
"You think you can "can" the sarcasm, and the cheap shots at me, and your nasty glares?"
"I am sorry," Melanie offered. Tony looked as if he was prepared to start the spanking again. She was treading on thin ice. "I still don't know what's the matter with me," she offered, hoping the explanation might placate him.
"We'll talk after the party. And if I don't get some better assurances from you, I'll be talking with this." He picked up the spoon just to enunciate his point.
"Really, I'm sorry." Melanie repeated herself, sounding more sincere.
"Let's hope so." He fixed her with his flashing dark eyes, and she began to appreciate the quality of his fury. She was honest enough to admit that she really had been quite a bitch in the last two weeks, and it wasn't all the open house that was just five minutes from getting under way.
The door bell rang.
"Oh, my god," she went into an instant frenzy hearing the sound.
Tony stood up and pushed his wife to the back staircase. "Go get yourself together, and I'll greet our guests." Melanie scooted up the stairs, while Tony darted to the front door.
To both their satisfaction, the evening went along much more smoothly than the preparations had. As polished charming hosts, Melanie and Tony looked like two happy lovebirds in their newly remodeled home. Their guests, all their friends and work associates, were duly impressed by the beautifully renovated home, and the lovely party that Melanie had created. But when it was over, and the last guest was out the door, Melanie breathed a sigh of relief.
"My god, it's over at last," she said wearily. She leaned against the front door looking weary and tired. "Think maybe I'll go finish up in the kitchen, and then I'm going to bed."
"Not so fast," Tony said. He pulled Melanie by the hand and led her into the living room, which looked a little worse for wear, with coffee cups and dirty plates spoiling the perfect decor.
"Please not now," Melanie implored him. "I've got lots to clean up."
"I'll help you in a minute, but we need to talk right."
"Not with the paddle, I hope."
"No, not with the paddle, as long as you don't resist what I'm saying."
"I can still feel my bottom," she informed him. "You really raised a ruckus."
"And a well deserved one," Tony reminded her.
"I suppose so," she reluctantly agreed. "I just wish I knew why I'm so out of sorts."
"That's what we're going to talk about." Tony made her sit on the couch as he sat down opposite her in an overstuffed chair that had become "his" chair over the last few months. He looked very regal and commanding in it. A look Melanie rather liked, at least most of the time.
"This really isn't a talk Mel, it's a lecture," he warned her in his most severe warning tone.
"We finished so fast before the party, I didn't want to let my message be lost. I can see you're not very settled these days, and we're going to address this issue now. I don't think either one of us wants to live with the prickly tension anymore."
"You're right about that," she readily agreed.
"I know I'm right. This snappy, irritated, snotty attitude of yours in ending now."
"Yes sir," she replied, trying to be appropriately sheepish for him, even if she wasn't taking the conversation all that seriously.
"You start with your whining and your sarcasm, and I'll spank you. Every day if I have to." He wasn't kidding. "Now you think about that!"