Page 40 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
Melanie retreated back to her kitchen where she smelled the overdone sauce; though by then her heart was sinking so fast she couldn't hope to rescue anything, except perhaps her marriage.
Retrieving the spanker from its place in the pantry, she returned to Tony. Briskly pulling the implement from her hand, he sat down in his chair, and pulled her over his lap. The leather was hot across her bottom in seconds, and once the first flurry of smacks was over, Tony pulled down her stretch pants and the real journey began.
"Oh! Please!" she wailed. He was striking her so hard she was instantly in agony.
"I can't believe you'd be so dishonest with me!" The spanker came down fast, Tony finding great satisfaction in seeing his wife burning bottom turn a rich scarlet.
He went on for what seemed forever, until Melanie was kicking and screaming for all she was worth. Then, to her astonishment he shoved her from his lap. Melanie landed on the floor looking up at him dazed, while Tony still held the spanker in his hand, he wasn't finished.
"Suppose you tell me who Glen is?" he said.
She was still red faced and looking guilty.
"Please. . ."
"I'll start all over, if you balk again," he warned, as he waved the leather in her face.
She took a deep breath, and tried holding back tears she knew Tony would not appreciate. "Remember the spanking personals you brought home several months ago?"
"Well, I wrote this guy that advertised in the magazine, and he wrote me back."
"And you were planning to meet him?" Tony was livid.
"NO," she said emphatically. "It hadn't gone that far, I just did get his letter."
"But he's obviously eager to make a date with you." Tony practically threw the crumpled letter in her face.
"I didn't really expect a reply. It was kind of a joke. But..."
"It was a stupid, foolish dangerous stunt!" Tony glared at her angrily.
"Maybe," she conceded.
Tony's fury ignited again, he pulled her up and over his lap once more. This time her pink naked behind had to withstand a bevy of smacks, the leather flying fast and furiously across her already punished cheeks. Though she wailed and cried, the spanking continued until she was exhausted, he was exhausted, Tony's anger was finally spent.
"Stand up," he ordered as he finally dropped the paddle to the floor. She'd collapsed against his lap, but he was hardly finished admonishing her. "Stand up!" he repeated, as he shoved her away.
Melanie struggled to rise. Her pants were bunched at her ankles, and it was difficult to get her balance. She looked a frightful mess. Her hair once tied back neatly was completely undone, and her eyes were swollen and red from the tears.
"I can't believe how totally irresponsible you were. Do you have any idea what you're playing with?"
"I understand why you're angry, but I don't think it was as foolish as you think." She made a desperate try to defend herself.
"Well, we can debate safety all day, my love, but what really pisses me off, is that you bark at me like a shrew for mentioning the "unmentionable" again, and then you turn around and contact a man to do the very deed you knew I'd be more than happy to do for you! Why?"
His words stung as much as the spanking had. She almost wished he'd just spank her again. It might be easier than trying to find a way to explain this last odd development in the strange mix of desire, fantasy and real life.
"I couldn't bring myself to talk to you about it, after the move and all, and well, you were gone that weekend two weeks ago, and . . ." Her voice trailed off.
"Yeah. Go on, you do better when you don't hold anything back."
"I got horny?" She winced as she said it.
With his anger nearly vented, Tony could almost look on the confession with some amusement. "You got horny," he shook his head in amazement. "Of course you got horny, that's because spanking makes you horny. It always has, and it always will. You're probably creaming in your pants right now!"
"I don't have on any pants right now," she said. There was a twinkle of light in her eyes. All the sharpness was gone from them now; they looked softly muted and peaceful.