Page 44 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
"I certainly did," Tony replied. He shook the man's hand, and the couple watched their "spanker for hire" walk from the room.
When Glen had disappeared, Melanie eyed her husband who still sat rather passively behind his university desk, looking rather professorial.
"I suppose you r
eally enjoyed it?" Melanie finally suggested.
"Didn't you? It was your erotic fantasy."
She gave Tony a tiny trace of a smile. "Maybe," she replied.
"Be honest," he insisted.
"Oh, okay, it was kind of exciting but . . ."
"But what?"
"I like you better."
"Oh, you do?" Tony said smugly. "That's good, because I planned to keep spanking you whenever I can. It seems that when we get out of practice, you get into all kinds of trouble. Right?" He had a twinkle in his eye, but he was nonetheless serious.
"Just one thing," Melanie said. She was as sincere as he was. "Why? Why did you have me call him?"
"You still don't know?" he said.
"No." She shook her head.
"I knew you wouldn't do it yourself. And I'm not going to let your desires go unrequited. I don't want you pining away for another man, thinking that there's someone out there better for you than me."
"That's quite an explanation."
"You have a problem with it?"
"No, not really. It makes you look very generous."
"Frankly, I know you wouldn't like him as much as me anyway?"
"And why's that."
"You love me, that's why?" There was a sweet delectable smirk on his face. "Anyway, it made me hot. I mean really hot." There was a familiar look of lust in his eyes.
"You're still hot?" Melanie asked.
He nodded, and moved away from behind the desk. Approaching his wife and drawing her to him, he sat back down with her in his lap, and felt for her hot rear cheeks. He squeezed them until she moaned a soft protest.
"So, is your infidelity satisfied?" he asked.
"My curiosity is satisfied," she said. "It was hardly infidelity."
"And you're not going into another massive denial of your spanking desires?"
"No, not anymore."
"And you're going to tell me when you're itching to get spanked?"
"Every time," she vowed, even though neither one of them believed it. She snuggled against him, and they kissed one wet hot sloppy kiss. Her hands began to run down his chest, opening buttons, leaning in to kiss him.
All of a sudden, he pushed her away. "Nope, not yet," Tony said, reading her mind. "We're going out to dinner first."