Page 5 of Aunt Daisy's Secret
"Thanks for the sandwich," Tony said, when he was finished. He remained as distant as he had before. Passing the plate to Melanie, he turned in his chair and went back to work at his computer.
Chapter Two
bsp; Melanie spent the afternoon just as she had the morning, feeling lonelier by the minute. She could hardly concentrate on her work for thinking of the horrible impasse between she and her husband. By four o'clock she wandered back to her attic perch, sitting down in the old chair with the diary in hand, ready to dive into a world that seemed much more pleasant and exciting than her own. Though she'd only spent a few hours with her Aunt's amazing journal, it was already a prized possession, the smell of its leather cover and the soft pages, delivering a perfume of another time to tickle her nostrils and her romantic sensibilities.
I can't believe I'm writing about this once again, but I don't really know how else to unburden myself. These empty pages seem the only solace and friend I have in this amazing escapade of my love affair!
Oh! And it is a love affair, I tremble as I write this, but it is so true.
Everything Joseph has done has only made me love him all the more, even though his lessons are quite painful.
After that first spanking, I've been more cautious of my snappy tongue when I'm with him. If I should get a bit cross, it only takes one stern look and I'm quickly reminded of how harsh my words sound. But tonight I was so terribly foolish. I treated Joseph very badly, and I have to agree that I deserve the treatment he gave me.
In my defense, my day had been very rushed, and I was so looking forward to an evening with Joseph. He planned to take me dancing at the social in the basement of First Presbyterian. I was excited to see him as I always am, and when he called to tell me that he couldn't make it, I was crushed.
"Go on ahead without me," he said.
But I got very upset. I didn't want to go without him, what fun would that be?
"Daisy, you're being childish," he told me, warning me with "that tone of voice".
I told him I was sorry, that I was simply going to miss him so much.
"Well, I might show up, so you be there. Have some fun with your girlfriends and we'll dance when I get there."
I wasn't happy about it, and mumbled some answer and hung up the phone. I made up my mind right then that I'd indeed go to the dance, and if Joseph thought I'd just sit around and giggle with the girls, he had another thing coming!
Oh! how foolish I am sometimes!
I went to the dance, tagging along with Gracie and Meg and their beaus. I felt rather triumphant when I accepted another man's invitation to dance. (He couldn't hold a candle to Joseph, but he was handsome enough.)
At first, all I could think of was Joseph, I missed him. But as time went by, I became a little more comfortable. I danced with my young man for nearly an hour, and was doing a rather fun fox-trot, when I happened to glance at the sidelines, only to see Joseph staring at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, for there was no way to describe the expression on his face. Neither happy nor sad, neither hurt nor elated; the closest explanation of his look was perplexed.
I continued glancing at Joseph now and again. Much to my growing discomfort, he continued to stare at me in his vacant way. I'm not sure why I continued to dance, I suppose it was a little bit of defiance, just doing it to spite him. I knew I'd pout a bit, and then forgive him for not being there in the first place; but things didn't go quite the way I planned.
When I finally stopped dancing, I thanked the nice young man and excused myself; only to brush by Joseph with a sassy smirk on my face. "You said to enjoy myself, didn't you?" I told him, assuming he was angry with me.
"And so you did this to bruise me?" he asked.
"Maybe." I was being very snotty.
Joseph followed me to the punchline, while I remained aloof. I guess sometimes I can't help myself, little irritations get in the way of my better judgment.
"I think you've said enough," Joseph warned.
I didn't give up then, and I imagine if I had, I might have avoided the sore bottom I have right now; but that's not how the story goes.
"And whose to say I've said enough," I snapped at him with a hearty dose of sarcasm.
With that, he took me by the arm. The moment he did, I felt a surge of emotion pass between us that was startling.
Though he was very firm, he held me gently, pulling me from the dance floor, out into the hallway. Whisking me around, he held my shoulders in his hands with a tight grip. His dark eyes looked as if they'd drill holes right through me. I shuddered seeing how furious he was, though I was still angry myself, and not about to admit that I was behaving like a brat.
"Suppose you tell me what's wrong with you," Joseph said.
"Nothing's wrong," I charged, my voice very haughty.