Page 8 of The Graveyard Book
Silas shook his head, but said nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Owens had never been much for reading when they were alive, and there were no alphabet books in the graveyard.
The next night, Silas appeared at the front of the Owenses’ cozy tomb carrying three large books—two of them brightly colored alphabet books (A is for Apple, B is for Ball) and a copy of The Cat in the Hat. He also had paper and a packet of wax crayons. Then he walked Bod around the graveyard, placing the boy’s small fingers on the newest and clearest of the headstones and the plaques, and taught Bod how to find the letters of the alphabet when they appeared, beginning with the sharp steeple of the capital A.
Silas gave Bod a quest—to find each of the twenty-six letters in the graveyard—and Bod finished it, proudly, with the discovery of Ezekiel Ulmsley’s stone, built into the side of the wall in the old chapel. His guardian was pleased with him.
Every day Bod would take his paper and crayons into the graveyard and he would copy names and words and numbers as best he could, and each night, before Silas would go off into the world, Bod would make Silas explain to him what he had written, and make him translate the snatches of Latin which had, for the most part, baffled the Owenses.
A sunny day: bumblebees explored the wildflowers that grew in the corner of the graveyard, dangling from the gorse and the bluebells, droning their deep lazy buzz, while Bod lay in the spring sunlight watching a bronze-colored beetle wandering across the stone of Geo. Reeder, his wife, Dorcas, and their son Sebastian (Fidelis ad Mortem). Bod had copied down their inscription and now he was only thinking about the beetle when somebody said,
“Boy? What’re you doing?”
Bod looked up. There was someone on the other side of the gorse bush, watching him.
“Nuffing,” said Bod. He stuck out his tongue.
The face on the other side of the gorse bush crumpled into a gargoyle, tongue sticking out, eyes popping, then returned to girl.
“That was good,” said Bod, impressed.
“I can make really good faces,” said the girl. “Look at this one.” She pushed her nose up with one finger, creased her mouth into a huge, satisfied smile, squinted her eyes, puffed out her cheeks. “Do you know what that was?”
“It was a pig, silly.”
“Oh.” Bod thought. “You mean, like P is for Pig?”
“Of course like that. Hang on.”
She came around the gorse bush and stood next to Bod, who got to his feet. She was a little older than he was, a little taller, and was dressed in bright colors, yellow and pink and orange. Bod, in his grey winding sheet, felt dowdy and drab.
“How old are you?” said the girl. “What are you doing here? Do you live here? What’s your name?”
“I don’t know,” said Bod.
“You don’t know your name?” said the girl. “’Course you do. Everybody knows their own name. Fibber.”
“I know my name,” said Bod. “And I know what I’m doing here. But I don’t know the other thing you said.”
“How old you are?”
Bod nodded.
“Well,” said the girl, “what was you when you was last birthday?”
“I didn’t,” said Bod. “I never was.”
“Everybody gets birthdays. You mean you never had cake or candles or stuff?”
Bod shook his head. The girl looked sympathetic. “Poor thing. I’m five. I bet you’re five too.”
Bod nodded enthusiastically. He was not going to argue with his new friend. She made him happy.
Her name was Scarlett Amber Perkins, she told him, and she lived in a flat with no garden. Her mother was sitting on a bench by the chapel at the bottom of the hill, reading a magazine, and she had told Scarlett to be back in half an hour, and to get some exercise, and not to get into trouble or talk to strangers.
“I’m a stranger,” pointed out Bod.
“You’re not,” she said, definitely. “You’re a little boy.” And then she said, “And you’re my friend. So you can’t be a stranger.”