Page 71 of Crazy for Love
“Yes,” he answered gruffly.
“Oh, my.” Chloe scooted backward, sliding her hand all the way down to the thick base of his shaft. Watching his face the entire time, Chloe lowered her head and touched the tip of her tongue to his flesh. He grabbed a handful of the blanket as she slipped her tongue over him, pressing it to the underside of the head. When she closed her lips around him and sucked gently, he let loose the breath he’d been holding.
She teased him for a long time before she slid deeper in tiny increments. She loved the taste of him, the scent of his body, the smoothness of him against her mouth. And she loved the way his stomach tightened with every curl of her tongue. He was sensitive to every increase in pressure and pace. With Max, a blow job seemed designed for her pleasure, not his. With a moan of need, she took him as deep as she could, swallowing against the weight of his cock.
Chloe squirmed as she pleasured him, wiggling against the building need between her legs. She wanted to have sex with him right now, but that need was overridden by the desire to make him come like this. To hear his shout of need and feel his whole body spasm as he came.
When his hand touched her, it was trembling. “Wait, Chloe. Jesus.” He urged her up.
Chloe licked her lips and tried to bend back to her task.
Though he groaned with the struggle, Max shook his head and pulled her up to straddle him. Instead of taking her, though, he tugged her down so that her stomach pressed into his wet shaft. “God, I missed you.”
He kissed her then, and slid both his hands beneath her underwear to pull her tighter against his body. A moment later, the room shifted, and she was on her back on the mattress, and Max had her panties halfway down her legs. “My turn.”
She wasn’t in the mood to demur. In fact, Chloe helpfully kicked off her underwear and waited impatiently as he knelt between her legs with an evil smile. “How much have you missed me?”
“Well… It’s only been a few days.”
“Oh, sure,” he agreed, dragging one finger down her belly with deliberate slowness. He traced the very edge of her hair, then followed the line down to the sensitive skin just above the hollow of her thigh. She jumped.
“Ticklish?” he murmured.
“But it’s only been a few days.” His fingers traced the plump lips of her sex, offering nothing more.
“Okay, I take that back! I missed you like crazy. Come on now, you said it was your turn!”
“So I did.” But instead of giving her what she needed, Max propped himself up on his elbows and feathered both thumbs over her, teasing her into a frustrated groan.
“I’m still not convinced you really missed me,” he said, his mouth drawing closer, the words touching her with torturous faintness. “Maybe you’d better show me.”
His tongue touched her with almost the same ghostlike whisper as his words. She whimpered, any attitude lost now in the darkness of her closed eyes. The world shrank down to that place between her legs where Max’s mouth hovered.
His tongue ran lightly down her sex, then slowly up. Chloe held her breath and silently prayed for mercy. Max finally granted it, flicking his tongue over the spot where she most needed it.
“Oh, God,” she moaned, hips twitching at the electric shock of pleasure.
“You did miss me.”
“I did, I did.” She let her knees fall farther open, trying to offer encouragement. It worked. Max finally put some effort into his work, and Chloe’s thighs were trembling in an embarrassingly short amount of time. She already felt that rise of tension, heavy enough to feel that she was sinking into the bed, but strangely buoyant, too, raising her up, up.
And then he stopped.
“What are you—?”
“Shh. Slow down.”
“Yes.” He nibbled at the top of her thigh, but before she could complain, Max slid two fingers inside her and sent her arching off the bed. In response, he wrapped his other arm around her thigh and held her still.
Chloe felt primal, fighting against his hold, trying to get closer to his hand. She needed him deeper, harder, needed him to push every anxious second she’d suffered out of her body.
“Please,” she breathed. “Oh, please.”
He made a thoughtful little purr in his throat, then pushed up on his knees while Chloe gasped at his abrupt withdrawal. He tugged a condom from his pocket, and his hands shook as he unwrapped it and slid it on. Not as much as Chloe’s hands were shaking, though. She was right on the edge, in pain and empty.