Page 70 of Enchanted, Inc. (Enchanted, Inc. 1)
"Then he's definitely worried, or he suspects we are." This time, Merlin's voice came from nearby. Something cool touched my forehead. It smelled good, minty and flowery. "Here, rest this against the lump. It should take down the swelling."
I opened my eyes to see Merlin kneeling beside me. Take away the business suit and put him in robes studded with stars, then grow his beard out to be long and pointy instead of neatly trimmed, and he was right out of a picture book about King Arthur I'd had as a child. "Merlin," I said. I thought I'd been musing silently, but I must have spoken out loud. "Mind if I call you Merlin?"
"Not at all, dear. Now, tell me what you're seeing."
"I see you, and Owen. And your office."
He held a hand in front of my face. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
I squinted at the wavering image. "Two. I think."
He exchanged a look with Owen, then the two of them helped me lie down on the sofa. Merlin put a pillow under my head, while Owen took off my shoes and covered me with a light blanket that I didn't remember being there.
Merlin knelt beside me again. "Katie, I believe you have a mild concussion. You need to rest awhile. I'll give you a cordial that should prevent a very bad headache, and the poultice will keep you from swelling and bruising too badly."
He went away for a moment, then came back and lifted my head gently as he put a small glass to my lips. "Now, drink." I obeyed, and a tangy, sweet liquid flowed down my throat. I sank gratefully back against the pillows.
I didn't fall asleep, but I let myself drift as the voices in the room began speaking to each other, apparently ignoring my presence. They sounded like they were having an emergency meeting. It had to be a meeting about the intruder, which must have had something to do with whatever was threatening the company enough that they'd brought Merlin out of retirement to deal with it. I tried to listen, even though I kept drifting away.
;Hold him in Security. We'll have someone talk to him later," Owen directed.
Sam saluted with one wing, then flew off after the security group that was levitating the petrified body down the hallway. Once they were gone, the sense of power and energy that had filled the hallway faded away. I tried to get up, but a hand on my shoulder pushed me back down. I looked up to see Owen leaning over me, his face full of concern. Then he turned around and said, "Everyone, back to work." I noticed people disappearing into labs up and down the corridor.
"Are you okay?" he asked me softly.
"I'm fine, really."
He shook his head. "No, I don't think you are. We need to get someone to take a look at you. And I suspect the boss will want to talk to you."
"The boss. You mean Merlin?"
"Yes, Merlin."
The fact that I was talking like I'd had a couple of glasses of champagne on an empty stomach was a pretty good sign I wasn't okay, but I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with Merlin in this state, and I was definitely sure I didn't want to deal with Owen right now. Dealing with Owen without making a total fool of myself required the ability to think straight, something I didn't have at the moment.
"Okay, I'm not so fine. Just a bit dizzy. There's a hospital down the street, though."
He got an arm around me and helped me to my feet. "That's not necessary. Mr.
Mervyn is a healer. He can see to you while we talk about what happened here."
"I'm not magical, remember? Immune. Magic healing won't work on me."
He chuckled as he draped my left arm across his shoulders and circled my waist with his right arm. That felt really nice, a little too nice. When was the last time a man had put his arm around me like that, whether or not it was for romantic reasons?
"Not all healing is magical. Mr. Mervyn was a Renaissance man long before the Renaissance."
"I'm about to find out what's going on here, why they brought him back, aren't I?" I asked as we made our way slowly to the turret escalator.
"Yes, I imagine you are."
Merlin/Mr. Mervyn met us at the top of the stairs. "Is she hurt?" he asked.
"I think so," Owen responded. "She hit her head."
"Get her to my office. The suspect's in custody?"
"Security has him."