Page 113 of The Choice
“Champagne.” That made her smile, and he held up his drink. “Here’s to a really great day.”
At least he hoped so. He wanted her beyond all sanity, and his balls were so fucking blue. Gloria thought he’d been crazy doing without sex for weeks last Christmas. If she knew he’d waited months to get Heavenly in bed, his soon-to-be ex-wife would probably assume he’d developed erectile dysfunction.
Beck was thankful he’d had the foresight to wear his shirt untucked because he already knew getting hard was not going to be a problem.
“With someone special.” She clinked her glass with his.
He drank and watched her wrap her lips around the flute as she took dainty sips. He saw the moment the flavor hit her tongue. Her eyes widened and, after she swallowed half the drink down, so did her smile.
“Everything is just about ready. Why don’t you take a seat over there?” He pointed to the breakfast table near the wall of windows at the back of his house, overlooking the pool. It was a perfect California day, and the sun glimmered off the glasses of ice water he’d poured.
As he held out her chair, she sat. “Can I do anything to help?”
“Just sit there and look beautiful.”
Heavenly rolled her eyes. “I don’t know how successful I’ll be, but I’ll do my best.”
Beck winked at her, then pulled the hot dishes from the oven, followed by the chilled fruit from the fridge. He refilled her mimosa the instant she emptied it, then dished her up a hearty brunch.
As they ate, they talked about everything and nothing. He told her some of the stupid shit he’d done as a wet-behind-the-ears intern. She regaled him with the awesomeness of real Wisconsin cheese curds. They discussed what it was like to move suddenly and unexpectedly to LA, hospital politics, and where she might want to practice nursing after graduation.
As soon as they’d made a good dent in the food, which she’d praised repeatedly as she finished her second mimosa, he offered her a third.
“Thank you, but I can’t.” She sighed. “I was hoping to have the whole day off, but my boss told me last night that he needs me from three to close today.”
Well, hell. He didn’t want to rush this…but he also didn’t think he could wait another five minutes to have her naked.
She tilted her face up toward the sun. Her hair spilled over the back of her chair. The urge to sink his fingers into those curls and drag her to his bedroom rode him hard. Maybe going caveman on her would backfire…but being direct had worked pretty fucking well last time.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.” The easy answer flowed off her tongue.
Beck took her hand. “Have you thought about what happened during our last date?”
She lowered her lashes and nodded.
“That’s not an answer, little girl.”
She jerked her stare to his. Color crawled up her face before her gaze skittered away again. “Yes. It’s almost all I think about now.”
That, right there. Something in her eyes. She hadn’t merely thought of the ways he’d touched her on Friday. He’d bet money she was still thinking of Seth and his kiss, too.
Goddamn it.
He stood and extended his hand. “Come with me, and I’ll give you a lot more things to occupy your mind.”
Heavenly hesitated for long moments, stare bouncing between his outstretched fingers and his face, which he feared was too naked with need. Had he been too unromantic? Had something he’d done made her change her mind? Or had fucking Seth somehow got to her yesterday?
Beck slid into his chair again. “Heavenly, if you’re unsure or you’re not interested—”
“That’s not it,” she assured softly, then swallowed nervously. “It’s just…I’m not ready to have sex yet. I’m sure you’re used to dealing with women who—”
“I’m not thinking about any woman but you. This is between us. If you’re not ready, then you’re not ready. I respect that.”
And that was true…but his cock wanted to weep.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. I just want to be clear. Am I moving too fast now? Or does this have something to do with Seth?”
Heavenly blanched, then sighed. “Do you want me to be honest?”
“That’s the only way I ever want you to be with me. Tell me anything and everything. When I said we were more than friends, I had in mind the kind of relationship where you’d feel free to share your thoughts and feelings.”
“Okay…” She sighed. “Maybe I’m naive, but sex, to me, is a commitment. Not like the forever, death-do-us-part kind. But—”
“I have no problem with commitment.”
She shook her head. “I’m not asking for one. I’m just saying it implies that I’ve made a choice. It’s not hard to notice that you and Seth have…animosity. He’s already left once because I told him I had feelings for you. If I have sex with you now, he’ll probably take that as me choosing you over him again.”