Page 141 of The Choice
Beck spied the whip of pale hair in the moonlight as she raced across the concrete toward them barefoot, frantically tugging her shirt over her bare breasts. A sob tore from her throat. Tears spilled down the cheeks. Horror twisted her face.
“You still owe me, puta.” A guy in a dirty wife-beater with a paunching beer belly chased after her, waving her bra in his fist. “You promised me that cherry pie.”
A violent blast of fury filled Beck’s veins. A low growl rumbled up from deep in his chest. The beast he’d kept locked away for months tore off its chain.
The son of a bitch who’d threatened his girl was going to pay.
As Heavenly neared, he felt terror and revulsion pour off of her. She shuddered, struggled to catch her breath between the panting and the tears. The sight ripped him in two.
Seth gripped her shoulders. “Get inside.”
“B-but—” she sputtered, peering over her shoulder as if she expected hell to be nipping at her heels.
“Go!” Beck snarled. “We’ll take care of this.”
The moment Heavenly dashed to her unit and slammed the door, he and Seth stormed across the cracked cement.
“I’m going to fucking kill him.”
“Not if I do it first,” Beck growled right beside him.
“We could make it hurt more if we did it together.”
Beck shot the man a nasty grin. “You’re on.”
Fury pumped through his veins. He welcomed it as he and Seth sprinted across the concrete. Beck narrowed his eyes at the cocksucker, who had the balls to flash them a smarmy smile and dangle Heavenly’s bra in the air.
“She offered me her poontang. You can’t do nothing about it,” Sanchez spouted.
“Watch me.” Seth wrapped a hand around the prick’s throat, lifted him off the ground, and slammed him against the door.
Suddenly, panic replaced the dipshit’s bravado. Frantically, he groped for the knob with a flailing hand.
“Touching her was your last mistake,” Beck vowed before he nudged Seth aside and slammed his shoulder into Sanchez’s kidney. The man’s grunt morphed into a long, tortured moan. Beck didn’t feel sorry for the asshole at all. Hopefully, he would be pissing blood for a week.
The next time he and Seth landed blows, the combined force splintered the door. It gave way, tumbling the cocksucker back into his apartment. The man cursed, arms flailing as he futilely tried to defend himself, legs scrambling as he struggled in vain to stand.
Seth straddled the asshole and pinned him to the cracked tile before unloading what looked like months of pent-up rage, each fist landing in a perfectly timed arc of power and bone-crushing force on his face.
Feeding off Seth’s malice, Beck used the shitsack’s rib cage like a soccer ball, not giving two shits about the muscles he pulverized or the bones he shattered. Oh, revenge felt sweet. And violence was even better when the fucker’s high-pitched screams cut through the night.
As Seth continued pummeling the prick, blood exploded from the bastard’s nose and mouth. Teeth sailed across the floor. More facial bones cracked under each brutal punch. It made what he’d done to Pike weeks ago look like a friendly pat on the back.
Moving in between the man’s thrashing legs, Beck stomped his foot on the prick’s crotch with a snarl, mashing his junk under his heel. Yep, he was ignoring the hell out of his Hippocratic oath and basking in the fucker’s howls of pain. Then he enjoyed some gurgling pleas after slamming the landlord’s kneecap beneath his loafers.
When the pig fell limp and unconscious, Beck sucked in a ragged inhalation, braced against the wall, panting to recover his breath.
Seth hadn’t let up.
“Stop,” Beck growled, gripping the PI’s taut shoulder. “Unless you know where to hide a body and how to clean a murder scene, you need to let him go.”
Seth whirled, sending him a glare filled with inhuman rage. “Why the fuck do you care? If I kill him, I’m out of your hair permanently.”
“Because Heavenly cares.” Acknowledging that sucked, but tonight had been too full of reality to ignore this one.
They coveted the same girl, and neither one of them were giving up. Unless he was really fucking wrong, on some level she loved them both, too.
“Son of a bitch,” Seth muttered as he finally opened one fist and flexed his hand.
“Come on. Let’s find Heavenly. The way that sack of shit was screaming, it’s only a matter of time before the cops show up. We need to be gone.”
Seth blinked and gave a jerky nod. He stood slowly and stared down at the bloodied landlord as he dragged up a wad of phlegm and spit in his face.
Beck made a mental note not to piss Seth off—ever. Thank god the guy hadn’t agreed to fight that night he’d wanted to brawl at Shadows. He’d probably still be recovering in the ICU.