Page 156 of The Choice
She wished she could close her eyes and escape. Or put a stop to this. What must her father be thinking?
“Yes,” Beck corrected. “Seth and I have had a conversation, and we’ve decided it’s in everyone’s best interest if we both take care of Heavenly. We’ll make sure she eats well, has a safe place to live, a quiet space to study, and can focus on her future. She’ll be well looked after and well cared for.”
Why hadn’t they just shouted the fact they intended to take her to bed together? “Guys…”
“I see.” Dad pinned the men with a knowing stare. “I’d like to speak to my daughter alone.”
“Of course.” Seth pressed a kiss to her temple, then he stepped out of the room.
Beck squeezed her hand. “We’ll be outside if you need us.”
“Shut the door.” Her voice shook.
Dad might be sick and weak, but he was still her father and he was going to flex his parental muscle.
As soon as the door snicked shut, he motioned her closer.
She approached on trepidatious steps. “Dad…”
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
Not really. “I’m fine.”
“Do you know what they want from you?”
When her dad studied her with that shocked expression, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to lie to him, but she didn’t want to give him a heart attack. “I do.”
“Baby, you don’t have to…let them pervert you—”
“I’m not.” Heavenly didn’t want to cry. She wanted to be strong for her dad. But she couldn’t stand the thought of him being ashamed of her. “I’m with them because I’m in love.”
Her father was silent for a long moment, then he reached a shaking hand out to her. “Oh…boo. Are you sure? Are you ready to tie yourself to two men who have already lived a lot and seen the world and are ready to settle down? Because Beck and Seth are.”
How had everyone seen that but her?
“You look surprised. It’s all over their faces,” Dad went on. “They want forever with you. You’ve always talked about travel and adventure and exploration. I want you to experience those things…”
And she wanted to, as well. She’d always wanted to. “I’ve told them I can’t do forever, just right now.”
“You’re a sweet girl with a soft heart. You’re a loyal child who’s stayed with me because I needed you all these years when you should have been spreading your wings and flying away. I’m so worried you’ll be the same kind of woman to them, that you’ll never get to live for you.”
“Promise me you won’t let that happen.” His grip was surprisingly strong. “Promise me that, before you commit your future to anyone or anything, that you’ll live those dreams you’ve always had. Meet people, experience cultures, see the world. Find out who you are before you have to figure out who you are with someone else. If your mother had done that, maybe she would have stayed.”
What could she say when she suspected he was right? “All right. I promise.” Even though he leaned back against his pillows in relief, she still felt the tension in his body, in the room, and wanted so badly to allay it. “Dad, they didn’t lay a finger on me last night. In fact, they’ve hardly touched me at all.”
That wasn’t totally true. But they hadn’t pressed her for sex. Her father could read between the lines. Hopefully, that would give him some peace of mind.
“It’s a matter of time, boo. They want you. They intend to have you. It’s going to get messy, emotional, and complicated. I hope you’re ready for that.”
No. It terrified the hell out of her. “I’ll be all right. I promise. I have to get to work. Call me if you need anything. I’ll check on you first thing in the morning, okay?”
“Take care of yourself, boo. I love you.”
Heavenly bit her lip, trying to hold herself together. She’d worried and disappointed him.
She’d exchanged one set of problems for another.
At least in this scenario, Dad was getting the best medical care possible. Her feelings mattered far less.
After brushing a kiss on his cheek, she sent him the brightest smile she could manage. “I love you, too.”
Tears were falling as she reached the door and opened it to find Seth waiting inches away, stock-still. Beck paced the hall, fists clenched.
How much had they heard?
“Thanks for bringing me here to visit. I’m ready to head for work.”
“Are you all right?” Seth ventured, concern all over his face.
She didn’t want to talk about it, wasn’t ready to deal with her conflicted feelings. “Fine.”
The guys exchanged a glance. Neither believed her.
“Please. I can’t be late.”
Beck sighed. “We’ll go. But we’re going to talk about this later.”
“Absolutely,” Seth agreed.
The ride to Pepp-E-Roni’s Pizza Palace was quiet. On the one hand, she needed the paycheck and she was happy to escape the inquisition they were obviously itching for, if only temporarily. But she would also far rather be spending the evening with Beck and Seth. Heck, the night with them. Her father was right; she wouldn’t be able to put them off for long. But the way she wanted them, that thought filled her with way more heady anticipation than unease. Individually, they’d given her such pleasure. Together…she sighed. She could only imagine.