Page 173 of The Choice
“To me, you always will be.”
Beside him, Seth nodded. “He’s right. My sweet heaven on earth.”
When they both wrapped their arms around her and moved in for kisses, she backed away. “No more yet. I’m sticky and…” And she would have sworn she felt a trickle of something that was probably blood running down her thigh. “Sore. And hungry. I never got to eat the sandwich I packed for my dinner break.”
Seth stepped back with a sigh. “Get clean. We’ll rustle up food.”
“I’ll do it. I don’t mind,” she called as she plucked her clothes from the floor and headed toward the bathroom.
“The staples in the place are running a little low,” Beck hollered from the refrigerator. “How about we call for pizza?”
“Give me a minute,” she called.
She shut the door, flipped on the light, and fished out a few towels. As she waited at the sink for hot water, she looked in the mirror. Except for the tangled hair, she didn’t look any different. But she felt different, like the universe had shifted and she suddenly understood so many of its best secrets.
She clutched a dry towel to her chest and smiled. Lots of things had gone so wrong lately…and yet she couldn’t remember ever being so happy.
“Psst. Hey, man,” Seth murmured. “Um, who the fuck was that?”
“You noticed it, too?”
“Kind of hard to miss. Man…”
Who were they talking about? Her?
“I had no fucking idea under all those blushes that she was a goddamn siren.” Beck sighed. “I wasted months thinking I’d scare the hell out of her—”
“Me, too. And she turned into a vamp. I was balls deep inside her and she was flirting. She was almost demanding more. God, I can’t wait to give it to her again.”
“Think we can get in a quickie before the pizza comes?”
Heavenly covered her giggle behind her hand. So she’d surprised them? Delighted them a little bit, too, from the sounds of it. Thank goodness they weren’t disappointed. In the back of her head, she’d worried she wouldn’t know enough or be pretty enough to please them. But their eagerness to be with her again was far more than she’d expected. And it was a thrill.
“I think I’d like to give it a hell of a try,” Seth drawled.
“You know, we have to keep a lid on this shit,” Beck whispered. “If she figures out how damn hard we are for her, she’s going to try to lead us around by our dicks.”
“Good point.”
She stifled another laugh. That hadn’t actually occurred to her, but now that they’d suggested it…it did sound like fun.
Finally, the water in the basin started steaming. She doused the hand towel and wrung it out, then washed herself, gently wiping away layers of lube and blood and traces of semen from her thighs. Then she used the toilet, threw on her clothes, and tried to wrestle her hair into something that didn’t look so wild.
But it was hopeless, so she gave up, deciding she’d rather have hot food than a pretty hairdo.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, they both stood in the bedroom in various states of undress. Seth had found his underwear among the pile of discarded clothing and donned them. The visual of his hard, ripped body had her holding in a sigh. Beck stood stark naked, reading his phone. His muscled derrière and wide, inked back made her wonder if food could wait just a bit longer…
They both turned, looked her way.
“Why are you dressed?” Seth didn’t look pleased.
“I know Beck said he’d order a pizza, but I want real food, and I can’t cook naked.”
He paused and cocked his head as if he was envisioning that. Then he nodded. “Yeah, you can. I’d like that.”
“I’m all about naked.” Beck bobbed his head.
She gaped at them. “What on earth—”
The emergency tone on her phone rang. Her dad. Her heart stopped. He would only be calling this late at night if something was wrong.
Heavenly raced for her purse, panicked. Where had she left it? The noise was coming from somewhere near the foyer. Had she dropped it there when Seth’s kisses had begun to overheat and overwhelm her?
As she darted around the corner, she found the little secondhand lavender shoulder bag on the floor and tore into it, yanking her phone free from the confines with trembling hands. “Dad?”
“Ms. Young?” asked an unfamiliar male.
In the background, she could hear what sounded like a commotion, footsteps pounding, machines beeping. “Yes. Where’s my dad? What’s going on?”
“He was trying to call you and…something’s happened. We need you to come immediately.”
Her breathing stopped. Her chest felt as if he’d stomped on it. “What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know. But you may not have much time.”
“I’ll be there in five minutes.” She managed to sound coherent.
Inside, she was falling apart. After a relapse, he never had another one this quickly. It was usually months, at least weeks. He’d usually rebound and feel better for a while and…