Page 27 of The Choice
“It’s my turn, not yours. You kicked it out of bounds.” The other boy frowned.
“How about I give it a kick? You can both chase it.”
When he did, they ran after it like a pair of eager puppies. Then he turned and sat beside Heavenly again.
She smiled softly. “You like kids?”
“When they’re someone else’s and I can give them back. So what were you saying before we were interrupted?”
“That I’m beat after a long week and I should go home. I have to study for finals.”
As if on cue, the sun dipped low and a chilly wind blew leaves across the grass, signaling an end to their date.
Damn. He’d overplayed his hand. Normally, he was a patient man. In his profession, it paid to be. He should have been able to coax Heavenly into talking. Like an idiot, he’d given in to impatience. Sure, he could investigate her and probably learn most everything in ten minutes or less. But he wanted the satisfaction of earning her trust, of her offering him her truth. Besides, if she found out he’d violated her privacy, she wouldn’t forgive him.
The question was, could he manage to win her over before the holidays? He didn’t know, but his gut told him that if he had to choose between opening Heavenly up and going home for Christmas, he should stay.
“All right. Thank you for coming with me today, angel. I hope we can get together again.” He wouldn’t give up unless she flat out told him no.
“I’d like that.” When he stood and offered his hand, she let him help her to her feet. “Gosh, there’s so much leftover food.”
“I don’t have any way of keeping it where I’m staying. Want to take it home?”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Take the basket, too. Maybe we can use it another day.”
She smiled. “That would be great. Thank you.”
“Can I drop you off at home?”
Heavenly shook her head. “The hospital, please. I left some books in my locker I need for studying.”
He opened his mouth to assure her that he’d wait and drive her when she’d collected everything. But he’d already pushed her past her comfort zone. Instinct told him he had to back off…for now.
Shoving down his itching curiosity, he lifted the basket with one hand and held hers with the other as he led her to his car.
He might not have figured her—or this crazy attraction—out today. But he would. No way was he giving up.
On Monday afternoon, Beck sat across from Heavenly in the hospital cafeteria, fixating on the lush bow of her lips and wondering if Seth Cooper had already kissed her.
“When you didn’t text me for lunch on Friday, I worried Manwhore was bothering you again. I asked around, and Jennifer said you left at twelve thirty.” He pinned her with a stare. “Were you studying? Or did you do something fun?”
Yes, he wanted information. He’d spent all weekend gritting his teeth because he knew she’d gone somewhere with that smooth-tongued bastard. As he’d left the hospital’s parking garage that evening, he’d seen Seth drop her off. Their good-bye might have looked like a mere hug and a chaste kiss on her forehead, but there’d been nothing platonic about Seth’s stare as he watched her walk away.
“I went on a picnic.” Her cheeks turned pink, as if the memory had her blushing.
What the hell kind of picnic had that been, the sort where Seth spread her out on a blanket and made a feast of her body?
Beck tried not to growl. “By yourself?”
“No.” She focused on the water cup in front of her. “Seth asked me out the day he gave me the gift basket. I said yes.”
“Isn’t he thoughtful?”
Heavenly blinked at him and smiled, making it obvious she’d missed his dripping sarcasm. “He is. We had a nice afternoon. I even drank wine for the first time.”
Had that prick gotten her drunk so he could take advantage of her?
Beck gripped the edge of the table, biting back a demand that she stay away from Seth. He couldn’t. Heavenly wasn’t his. But Seth had plowed through a whole bunch of panting subs his first few days in LA. Hard not to hear through the walls that the guy enjoyed dishing out spankings. Seth liked the screamers, too. And now the douche wanted to bag Heavenly? Not on his watch.
“Did you like it?” Beck ground out.
“I did. Everything was delicious. I haven’t enjoyed myself that much in a long time.”
Her starry-eyed expression made him want to punch Seth Cooper ugly.
“Are you planning to see him again?” Say no. Fucking say no.
“I think so. He’s fun to be with. And he put so much thought and effort into all the little touches.”
With his hands? With his tongue? Beck gritted his teeth. She probably meant Seth’s attention to detail…but his subversive brain played an image of the bastard lowering his head between Heavenly’s pure white thighs. Beck nearly lost his shit.