Page 56 of The Choice
“You’re right. Sometimes I get caught up and forget everything else.”
So Heavenly stole a long glance around the loading zone, felt the cool air in her face, and soaked in the excitement hanging in the air.
When Dr. Beckman gave her an approving nod, she stepped toward the waiting car—and would have stumbled if he hadn’t been right behind her. Instantly, his hand wrapped around her elbow. “I’ve got you.”
“Sorry. I can be so clumsy.”
“No, I’ve watched you. You’re graceful,” he assured as he helped her settle into the car.
Only then did he release her.
Heavenly sighed. No wonder half the female staff at the hospital were gaga for him. “You’ve always been so sweet to me.”
“You make it easy.”
She wasn’t sure what to say, but park employees distracted her by instructing riders how to fasten the safety belt. Beside her, the doctor made certain she was secured snugly before the ride operators double-checked. Then with a lurch, they were off.
Nerves gnawing a hole in her stomach, Heavenly grabbed Dr. Beckman’s thigh.
“It’s okay.” He settled his hand over hers, tangling their fingers together. “Breathe. Enjoy it. You’re going to have fun.”
“Uh-huh,” she agreed—but she didn’t let go. As they ascended a flashing red tunnel, she turned to him. “In case I forget to tell you later, I really had a great time.”
By the time they emerged into the sunshine, she was still grinning and her throat felt slightly scratchy from screaming. Dr. Beckman squinted, holding a finger to his ear.
“Oh, my goodness. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Really. I’ve got another ear.”
Rolling her eyes, she swatted him playfully. “I’ll try to restrain myself next time. There will be a next time, right?”
“If you want one, yes. And don’t you restrain anything on my account—ever. That’s my job.” He sent her an ironic grin she didn’t understand.
“You’re sure?”
“Nearly everyone who walks through the front gates leaves their adult self behind and turns into a kid at heart. I won’t even tell you how embarrassing I was on my first visit.”
Her heart did somersaults at his wide grin. “How old were you?”
“Twenty-eight, I think. I even have a pair of ears from that trip embroidered with my name. I wore them all day. Not kidding.”
She laughed. “Did you eat cotton candy and sing Disney songs?”
“I might have. Are you judging?”
“Of course not.” But a giggle slipped free.
“It’s fine. We’ll see how mature you are as the day goes on.”
Heavenly pressed her lips together, fearing she would fail miserably at adulting, but she didn’t care.
The morning passed quickly as they raced each other in the cars at Autopia. Heavenly laughed when she won, then pleaded for a ride on the Matterhorn Bobsleds. She managed to scream less this time, earning her a smile from Dr. Beckman, before she dragged him to Fantasyland for a ride on King Arthur Carousel. She climbed on a white horse with bells, while the doctor stood beside her and held her steady. After riding Snow White’s Scary Adventures and Peter Pan’s Flight, they made their way to Frontierland.
“Hey, Disney Princess. It’s one o’clock. How about some lunch?”
She’d eaten a hearty breakfast at home so she didn’t have to spend money on an expensive theme park meal. “Sure. I’ll keep you company while you eat.”
“Nope. You’re eating, too.”
Before she could argue, he pointed to an empty table. Feeling oddly compelled to do as he instructed, she sat. Ten minutes later, he returned with burgers, fries, and fizzy sodas. She dug in, nearly finishing every bite.
Afterward, she cleared the table. “Thank you, Dr. Beckman.”
“When we’re not at work, call me Beck.”
A smile lit up her whole body since only his friends called him that. “Sure…Beck.”
“Ready for more rides? Or do you need a few minutes to let your food settle?”
She raised a brow at him. “Why? Do you?”
“I might.”
“You look at blood and guts all day but you have a delicate stomach?”
“I do not have a delicate stomach. Just…a more sensitive equilibrium.”
“Maybe I should call you princess.”
“Be careful, little girl.”
“Or?” She raised a brow at him.
“You might find out.”
“I think you’re all bark and no bite.”
His grin told her she was terribly wrong. “You keep thinking that. You’ll find out differently. Now, come with me so I can prove how manly I am by shooting something.”
As they headed toward the shooting gallery, Heavenly couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this happy. But when Beck reached for her hand and tucked it in his own, her euphoria swelled into wide-eyed surprise.
He liked her. As a boy liked a girl. No, as a man liked a woman.
The day couldn’t possibly get more perfect.
She swore she was walking on clouds as they rode the Mark Twain around Tom Sawyer Island, caught Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, then got soaking wet on Splash Mountain. She probably wore him out with the three trips she needed on Haunted Mansion, but it was so clever and full of details. Maybe he didn’t mind too much, because when he slid beside her in their “doom buggy,” he held her close and smiled indulgently.