Page 84 of The Choice
River snorted. “On that note, I’m leaving to resume my job search. I’ll see you soon, storm cloud.”
When he kissed her cheek, she smiled. “Sounds good. Call me.”
He nodded, then turned Heavenly’s way. “Have a good one.”
“You, too.” She waved.
When the big guy let himself out of the house, Raine faced her again and reached for a cookie, wearing a genuine smile. “He’s a good guy. Hardheaded and misguided at times but…he’s a man.”
That made Heavenly laugh. “Well, since your big brother is back, maybe Beck will pester you less. Or not. I think he enjoys it.”
Raine rolled her eyes. “Keep him busy, will you? I have my hands full with Liam and Hammer. Oh, speaking of Beck, you never did tell me how your date at the art gallery was?” Raine’s sideways glance seemed both searching and knowing. “I wanted to see the exhibit myself but we never found the time.”
The works of art floated through Heavenly’s thoughts again, as did the memory of the doctor standing beside her, asking questions, explaining patiently, and watching her as some of the pieces elicited instant, deep arousal.
Heavenly cleared her throat. “It was…interesting. Did you know the subject of the show?”
“I heard.” And she didn’t sound shocked. Then again, the woman had two lovers… “Did you find it entertaining or educational?”
“Both.” In fact, part of Heavenly itched to try some of the things she’d seen depicted, things she’d never even imagined until Beck had opened her eyes.
“But you haven’t spent much time with him since that date?”
“Except during lunch at the hospital, none.”
And that troubled Heavenly. They were still friends, but they hadn’t had the chance to explore something more. Of course, some of that was her own fault. She’d had to cancel on him twice since their date at the gallery. She was beginning to hate Bazookas, but she needed the money too much to quit. Still, if he had more than friendship on his mind, he certainly wasn’t in a rush to get there…
Raine looked shocked. “Seriously?”
“Well, he was out of town for a couple of weeks. Friend of the family had a medical emergency in Vegas, he said.”
“Hammer told me Beck went to medical school there,” Raine offered.
Heavenly hadn’t known that.
“What about Valentine’s Day?” Raine leaned in, grinning. “Didn’t Beck finally lay a big ol’ kiss on you then?”
No. He’d promised her one at Disneyland. So far, he hadn’t delivered. She was dying for it. Him…not so much.
“My jerk of a boss said if I didn’t cover a shift, he’d fire me. I never work on Thursdays, but someone broke an ankle and I was the first waitress to answer his distress call.” She shrugged. “It sucked, but at least the tips were decent.”
“Sorry.” Raine sighed. “I know you’re busy, so I appreciate you coming by. I was feeling a little down after the visit to the cemetery. The men in my life try to cheer me up. But every so often, I need girl time.”
“I’m happy to cheer you up. Especially if you baked cookies.”
When she plucked one from the container and nibbled with a groan, Raine laughed. “So…do you still think about Seth?”
The question caught her off guard. Heavenly bit her lip. “I’ve tried not to. But, yeah. A lot.”
More than she should. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her time with Beck, especially away from the hospital. He was handsome, witty, fascinating. He made her feel important and special…just not always romantically. Sometimes she was convinced he wanted their friendship to be more. Other times, he seemed content with the status quo. He confused her.
Seth, on the other hand, had made her feel beautiful and desirable from the moment they’d met. He’d constantly undressed her with his stare. He’d said things that made her blush in a voice that made her wet…until he’d gone.
Raine grinned and picked up her phone, dashed off a quick text, then set her device upside down on the table between them. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he still thinks of you, too.”
Excitement bounced in her belly—until reality dashed it. “The last time I texted him, he barely replied.”
“Hmm.” Raine shrugged. “What exactly did you say to Seth before he left? Liam didn’t tell me.”
Heavenly pressed her lips together and felt her face flame. “It probably sounds stupid now, but I was trying to be honest. I told Seth that I, um…had feelings for Beck. He left not two minutes later.”
Raine rolled her eyes. “Oh, spare me wounded male pride. I mean, it’s not like you didn’t have feelings for Seth, too.”
“Right.” After all, she’d been prepared to take him into her home and into her body that night. Walking away had looked embarrassingly easy for him. She cringed just thinking about it.
“And you told him that, didn’t you?”
Hadn’t she? “I think so. But I’m not sure it would have mattered to him.” Not the way he had mattered to her. “We only had one date.”