Page 87 of The Choice
Nodding, she sniffled and backed away. “And I’m glad but…”
Heavenly feared finishing that sentence. The last time she’d been honest about her feelings for Beck, he’d ended everything between them. Granted, he said he understood now. But did he? Really?
“You’re dating Beck and you still have feelings for him? I know. But angel, I’m back and I want you more than ever.”
She met his stare, knowing he would see the apology all over her face for something she couldn’t help. “I’m getting that. And I’m shocked. In a good way…”
Clearly, she was going to have to choose between them. But…Seth and Beck were incredibly different men who made her feel very different things. Her Viking PI from the East made her melty and hot. He whispered words that made her head spin, even as he talked to her, bantered with her, not like the girl she often felt, but like the woman she wanted to be.
The witty doctor challenged her to think and to live, to be brave, even as he protected her, seemingly always hovering, a snarl ready to keep the beasts of reality away. One minute, he tried to grow her mind so she thought like his equal. The next she felt cosseted and nurtured.
They both made her yearn and crave them more than she knew how to resist. They both had a grip on her she didn’t know how to cure. How was she supposed to walk away from one?
“But you don’t know who you want,” he finished for her. “And you need time to make a choice.”
“You need to know me better, because we haven’t spent enough time together for you to be sure we’re a fit.”
“That would help.”
“Take your time. You see, I’ve been around the block enough to realize we’re something special. But you haven’t, and me rushing you isn’t going to help anything. I came here to help Hammer…but I want to be with you. I want to see you. Date you. Kiss you. Take you to bed and fucking never let you go. And we can do all that while you figure out how you feel about Beck. I only ask you to focus on me when we’re together. He doesn’t belong between us. Understood?”
Heavenly blew out a breath. Wow, she hadn’t expected such a huge concession.
Could she even date two men? Heck, she’d never dated one. Both of these men were so self-assured, interesting, and obviously experienced. She was probably in over her head. Was she crazy to try? Maybe, but how was she ever supposed to get experience if she never got brave enough to put herself out there? YOLO and all that… Besides, it was dating, having fun…fooling around. They were just asking her to choose a boyfriend. It shouldn’t be this dramatic.
“You’re okay with that?” she asked.
“I’ve had seven weeks to come to this conclusion. You’ve had fifteen minutes. So I want you to think about it and let me know if you want to see me again.”
“I don’t have to think about that. I’m so happy you’re back. Of course I want to see you. I want to know what could happen between us.”
He leaned in, kissed her nose, and stood. “Then I’m here for you. Call me when you’re ready for the next step and we’ll take it together.”
Two days later, Beck pulled off the paved highway and onto the gravel road, sliding another lingering glance at Heavenly as she sat in the passenger’s seat of his Mercedes and peered out the window at the looming San Gabriel Mountains. “I love getting out of the city and coming up here.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
She dipped her head, gaze falling to her lap, but that didn’t hide the sweet blush rushing up her cheeks. He grinned, loving that a few whispered words always got to her—and that he always had a hint how she felt.
She’d worn exactly what he’d asked her to—yoga pants, a soft, comfortable T-shirt, and athletic shoes. She always looked gorgeous, but seeing her in clothes that hugged her curves shredded his libido. The second he laid eyes on her, dirty fantasies started unraveling in his brain and continued to wreak havoc the entire forty-five-minute drive. But it was her compliance and attention to his detail that stroked his Dominant beast.
“You come here a lot?”
“As often as I can.” He reached for her hand and twined their fingers together. “But I’m enjoying this trip so much more because you’re with me.”
She peered at him from beneath her lashes. “Then I’m glad you invited me today. We haven’t spent any time together in a while. Seeing you away from the hospital is nice.”
“I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time.” Hell, he would have brought her here a month ago. He’d planned to shortly after their outing to the gallery. Then life had gone to hell.