Page 23 of Eugenia's Embrace
Eugenia didn't want to take her eyes from him. She was afraid if she blinked he would be gone.
"Eugenia! Get a movin'," Drew insisted again.
"Oh, yes," she said, coughing. She searched along the wall until she found the keys dangling from a nail. She grabbed them, then hurriedly set Drew free.
"My Eugenia," Drew said, pulling her into his embrace, kissing her passionately on the lips, nose and closed eyes.
"We've got to get out of here, Drew," she said, half in a rapturous daze from the warmth of his touch and kisses, not truly wanting to stop, but afraid to linger any longer for fear of the fire, and that he might be put back in jail.
"I know," he said, hurrying toward the desk. He pulled a drawer open and grabbed a pistol from it and stuck it down inside the front of his tan corduroy breeches. Then he pulled a small buckskin bag from the drawer and loosened the drawstring, holding it beneath Eugenia's eyes.
"My goodness," she said with one glance. She had never seen gold dust before, even though she had now been in the gold mining town of Cripple Creek for several months.
Drew pulled the drawstring shut and tossed the bag into the air, then put it in his red flannel shirt pocket. "My reason for being in here, hon," he said. Then he pulled something else from the drawer. It was a gold watch that had a chain attached to it. He also thrust it down inside a front pant's pocket. "Grab that jacket and hat from that rack over there, hon," he added.
Eugenia hurriedly did so. "But where will you go?" she asked, desperation suddenly seizing her—she couldn't find him just to lose him again.
"I don't know," he said. "But I'm not stayin' in this hellhole another minute." His eyes squinted, searching through the smoke. "Come on, hon," he said as he grabbed Eugenia by the hand. "Let's go through that back door."
Eugenia clung to his hand with one hand and her muff with the other, fast growing breathless. She could actually feel her lungs laboring for breath. Both from the anxiety of the discovery of Drew—after all the weeks and months of wonder—and from the smoke she continued to breathe into her lungs. The fresh air suddenly rushing around her from the opened door made her pause to take a moment's pleasure from it. She felt Drew's hand release hers.
"That damn sheriff," he growled, looking angrily around him, as he stood behind the jail.
"What's wrong, Drew?"
"That son of a bitch has probably already sold my horse for his own pocket money," he drawled. "It sure as hell ain't anywhere near here."
Eugenia felt a pressure lessening around her heart and lungs. Then her eyes widened, seeing Drew more closely since they were clear of the smoke. He looked so handsome with the cleanshaven face, with soft features around his blue eyes and mouth. She went to him and touched his arm. "I'm so glad I've found you," she said, unable to stop herself from flinging her arms around his neck. Then she pulled away from him, sulking, "But, why didn't you search and find me?"
"Hon, there's nothin' I'd like better than chattin' and huggin' and kissin' on you. But we've got to get the hell outta here," he said firmly.
Eugenia knew that he was right. They could talk later. "Come with me," she said, grabbing him by the hand. An idea was forming in her brain, but she wasn't sure how she could manage it.
When they reached the street, they could see a small crowd beginning to form in front of the jail.
"Put on your hat and jacket," Eugenia hurriedly said. "Just act natural and walk beside me."
"Whatever you say, ma'am." Drew laughed, tipping his hat to her.
"Oh, Drew," she moaned, her eyes sweeping over him as they hurried in the direction of The Towers. Her heart was aching, she wanted to be in his arms again so badly. And to even think that he was here. With her. By her side! She reached for his hand once again, feeling its warmth. "It really is you, isn't it, Drew?"
"None other," he said.
Eugenia could feel his eyes studying her. "Gal, you've changed," he said thickly. He reached over and pulled her cape open, his eyes lighting up with what he saw. "So you trimmed down a mite. Can't say that it's hurt you none."
Feeling her face reddening, Eugenia pulled her cape around her once again. She couldn't tell him that he was the main reason for wanting to look so pretty. That she wanted him to desire her so much that he would never want to leave her again.
"Where are you a takin' me, woman?"
Eugenia was glad that the fresh snowfall on her clothing was helping to erase the aroma of smoke. She would be at The Towers soon. And wouldn't want to have to explain what had sidetracked her.
"Won't the sheriff be searching for you the next few days?" she asked, continuing to hurry onward.
"Sheriffs are known to hunt for lost prisoners. Yep. I guess so," he teased.
Eugenia stopped to face him, frowning. "Drew, I'm serious," she snapped.
"Okay. Do you have a solution to that one big problem?"