Page 31 of Eugenia's Embrace
Clarissa began to follow close beside Eugenia. "What would this Dawn want with you?" Clarissa asked, pulling the black skirt of her dress up as she stepped from one step to the other of the spiral staircase.
Eugenia groaned inwardly. She was so sick and tired of seeing Clarissa dressed in black. Next to Clarissa's dark skin, it indeed made her look like a Negro. Eugenia would always wonder about this.
"Do you hear me, Eugenia?" Clarissa snapped, with her white teeth shining in Eugenia's direction.
"I truly don't know, ma'am," Eugenia mocked, laughing to herself.
"You've become impossible lately," Clarissa hissed. "I'm going to mention this to Frederick. You're of no more use to him anyway. How he ever thought he could teach you correct manners and how to sing at his Opera House is beyond me."
Eugenia stopped and turned toward Clarissa, her eyes wide. "What do you mean?" she asked, feeling a coldness seeping in around her heart. Drew had apparently been right about Frederick, and the reason for Frederick having brought her into his house. But what did Clarissa mean by saying that she was of no more use to him? If Drew hadn't arrived on the scene, what would Frederick's further plans have been for her?
Clarissa coughed nervously and continued on down the stairs. "Forget I said that, Eugenia," she said. "My tongue has a way of getting ahead of my thoughts."
Eugenia's heart was pounding hard as she followed after Clarissa. It hadn't been wise to be so openly rude to her. Clarissa was Frederick's ally, not Eugenia's. And if Clarissa didn't want Eugenia around any longer it was more than likely Frederick wouldn't either. Clarissa stopped at the foot of the stairs and whirled around to face Eugenia. "In the library. I put your friend in there."
"Thank you," Eugenia said meekly, swallowing hard. She would now have to try to make up to Clarissa the rudeness she had just shown her. She could still hear Drew speaking of leaving her here. She had to be on the best of behavior to be able to stay. Where else had she to go?
Almost gliding, with the fullness of her skirt and many petticoats beneath, Eugenia went into the library and saw this tiny figure standing with her back to Eugenia in front of a fire in the fireplace. Dawn's black hair was pulled back with a strand of tiny pearls clasped around the thickness of her curls. When she turned to face Eugenia, Eugenia felt her heart skip a few beats. Not only was Dawn frail as Eugenia remembered, but now she was even more so. If not for the thick layer of powder over a tinge of rouge, Eugenia knew that dark circles would be quite visible beneath Dawn's eyes. And again remembering the resemblance to her sister Elizabeth, Eugenia went to her, having to refrain herself from drawing Dawn into her arms, to greet her like sisters would after many months of being apart. Even though Eugenia knew the darkest of secrets about Dawn, she could
n't help but be glad to see her. In a sense Dawn was her only friend in Cripple Creek, except, of course, for Drew.
"Eugenia?" Dawn said in a quiet, soft voice. "I only found out yesterday where you might be living." Dawn pulled her black velveteen cape from around her shoulders, revealing a body that had withered away to almost nothing.
"Dawn," Eugenia gasped. "Have you been ill?"
A sudden noise behind Eugenia made her turn. She sighed with relief when she saw only Clarissa carrying a tray of small cakes and steaming tea toward she and Dawn. She hadn't wanted Frederick to find her with this friend, knowing many questions would follow. She waited for Clarissa to set these down on a table, then thanked her as Clarissa walked from the room.
Dawn sat erectly on a chair in front of the fireplace, holding her head up proudly. When her gaze met Eugenia's, Eugenia noticed that her eyes were even more empty appearing than before. The blue seemed to have washed away.
"Yes," Dawn answered, straightening the hem of her full, navy blue woolen skirt around her ankles. "I've been quite ill," she added. "That's why I've been searching for you."
Eugenia poured two cups of tea, handed one to Dawn, then sat down on a thick cushion in front of the fire, holding a cup of her own. "Why would you need me?" Eugenia said, handing the tray of cakes to Dawn, only getting a nod for no in return. Feeling famished once again, Eugenia placed one in the saucer beside her cup of tea.
"I've thought of you often since you left," Dawn said, smiling. "I had so worried about you. Where you had gone. Sometimes this town of Cripple Creek isn't the best place for an innocent body such as yourself to be set free in."
"Do you remember telling me about the Hillcrest Hotel?" Eugenia asked, nibbling on the cake.
"Yes. Why? Did you find work there?"
"That very day. I worked there until Frederick brought me here."
A frown crossed Dawn's face as she tilted the teacup to her lips. She took a slight sip, then placed it back on the saucer. "That's another reason why I had to see you. Today," Dawn said quietly, looking toward the double doors that led from the library. "Am I free to talk?"
Eugenia rose and looked out into the hallway, not seeing or hearing Clarissa. Frederick had either left earlier in the morning, or was playing one of his disappearing acts. Something grabbed at Eugenia's heart. Surely Frederick wouldn't discover Drew. She went ahead and shut the doors, knowing that this was the first time that she had ever taken such liberties. She had to wonder what Clarissa would think of this when she discovered that she had done so. But she didn't care. This was her home, while she was still a part of it. Her thoughts went to Drew once again, imagining him up in the tower room, waiting. But she also had Dawn to consider now. It was quite evident that she was ailing.
"Please continue, Dawn," she said, settling back down on the cushion.
"You don't know what kind of freak you're living with?" Dawn asked. "Hasn't Frederick Heinmarch demanded much from you that has sickened you inside?"
Eugenia could feel her pulse quickening. She swallowed hard. "What do you mean, Dawn?"
"I know all about him, Eugenia," Dawn answered. "He used to frequent the Old Homestead Parlour while Madam Valerie was still alive. Do you remember my telling you about the character who liked to be urinated on while another girl fondled his sex organs?"
Eugenia could feel the blood draining from her face. Yes. She remembered. But, no. It couldn't have been Frederick. "Please don't tell me that it was Frederick," she mumbled, almost spilling her tea.
"Exactly," Dawn said, setting her saucer and cup on a table beside her. She leaned forward. "He hasn't tried any of that kooky stuff with you, honey?"
"No. He hasn't even approached me sexually."