Page 42 of Eugenia's Embrace
"I house a few colored girls for any gentleman who might prefer them to white."
"Yes. I do run across such men. White men. If that's their pleasure, it's fine with me."
Eugenia's mind went to Clarissa. "Dawn, do you remember the woman who met you at Frederick's? The maid?"
Dawn's gaze met hers. "Yes. Why do you ask?"
"I've often wondered if she's colored."
Dawn laughed, making a sudden bout of coughs erupt. "Hon, I can always tell. At first glance."
"She's colored. No doubt about it. Just probably had a white mother and black father."
"Do you mean she may have been born in America?"
"It's possible."
"But she told me that Frederick brought her here from Germany."
"God, girl! Do you always believe everything everyone tells you?"
Eugenia was quite aware of her naivete and gullibility. No one had to remind her. "Yes, I guess that's a habit I'm to be forced to break. I should know better by now. Wouldn't you say?"
Dawn patted her on the cheek. "Yes. I'd say so," she said. "Now let's see the rest of the house, then we'll sit down and talk serious business."
"Serious business?"
"Yes, Eugenia," Dawn said solemnly. "You are now 'the' Madam Eugenia. No one can take the title from you as long as you want it. And, as I told you earlier, along with that title goes many responsibilities. I'm going to teach it all to you, so when I'm gone you will carry on with what I'm proud to have accomplished here in the short time I've been Madam Dawn."
"Please don't talk about your dying," Eugenia said, her eyes misting.
"If it's to be, it's to be," Dawn said. "But for now let's forget that and get on with the business for this day. I treat each day as a precious jewel. I want each day I have left to shine even more so than the day before."
* * *
Chapter Fourteen
The parlor was quiet as Eugenia and Dawn entered. Eugenia knew that if a person entered this establishment, not knowing what kind it was, they would not guess that it was a house of girls, nor would they think it just an ordinary house, lived in by simple people. They would think it a grand house, with only the best of furniture and interior decorations. Indeed it was lovely. All of it. Even with the boldness of the red accessories.
"Want some more tea, Eugenia? While we talk?" Dawn asked, leaning forward to pour herself a steaming cup of tea. "It might warm your insides," she added, smiling.
"No, thanks," Eugenia said. "I've never been much of a tea person myself." While on her parents' homestead tea had been considered a luxury. It was only served on special holidays. But Eugenia hadn't liked the taste of it even then. The same was true of coffee. She preferred a nice cold drink of water to any other type of beverage. Even when she had had to pump for what seemed an eternity at the sink in her parents' kitchen. When the water had finally come to the surface it had been ice cold, having come from the depths of a deep well. The water in Cripple Creek did not compare with it. It seemed to be doctored up with some unidentifiable chemical to Eugenia.
"And now. To begin," Dawn said, coughing into her handkerchief. "We have enforced physical examinations required of each girl before we can accept her here in our house."
Eugenia leaned back and relaxed her back and hips against the fullness of the thick, soft stuffing in the upholstered chair. "And why do you do that? Has there been a problem with some of the girls' health?"
Laughing lightly, Dawn smiled at Eugenia, again seeing her naivete. She would have to learn. "So
me diseases are spread quite rapidly from women to men. Venereal diseases. Diseases spread only by sexual intercourse. We have to make sure our girls don't have any of these diseases."
Feeling a blush rising, Eugenia fidgeted with her chair. She hated being so dumb about everything. But she would learn. In time. She knew that by running an establishment such as this she would get a quick education. Maybe not one her Mama and Papa would desire for her, but one that would make it easier for her to get by in this world. A world that seemed to only be guided by sex.
"All visits are planned well in advance here in our establishment," Dawn continued. "Sometimes we accept a one night's call, but usually I plan ahead; a week in advance. A man will call and I'll arrange for his party for an evening, or weekend."