Page 63 of Eugenia's Embrace
"You mean me?" he asked, his eyes darting around him, taking it all in. "In here?" he added. "You've just gotta be kiddin'."
"No, Adam," she said, putting her arms around his neck. "Please? You can be responsible for all the horses in the stable. Remember how you told me that you love horses? How you love working with them? My horses could be yours. Please say yes."
"My days would be filled with one love," he said, moving his lips over her face, her nose, her eyelids. "And at night?"
"Also filled with one you love," she whispered.
"Are you sayin' what I think you're sayin'?"
"Not marriage. It isn't in the plans. Not yet," she said. "But myself? I'm yours. Whenever you would desire me."
"Damnit, woman," he said, flipping his hat from his head. "What more could a man want?"
All the sorrows of the past few days were swept away with one kiss from his lips. Eugenia didn't even feel shame for doing it in Frederick's house, knowing that he would want what would make her happy or he wouldn't have left her the house.
"There's many beds upstairs," Eugenia whispered, kissing Adam gently on his cheek, inhaling, enjoying his smell. It was a smell of outdoors intermingling with his own special male odor that she had grown so used to being around.
"Hmmm? So you say," he said, then lifted her up in his arms and began to walk up the winding staircase. "And which one would you choose?"
"Just keep walking. I shall point with the toe of my shoe," she giggled. When he got in front of what was once her room, she pointed, and waited as he turned the knob. All memories met her as the door opened, revealing the soft lilac colors of the room, and the plushness of the divan and chairs situated around it. She pointed her toe once again.
"On in there," she said, kissing him once again, knowing that she was only moments away from being carried to heights of ecstasy on the bed that she had called her own for many months.
"You do know this place well," he teased, carrying her on where the bed awaited. "Whose room was this?"
"Mine, my love," she answered as he lowered her down onto the softness. "Mine."
"And now ours?"
"You don't want a room all to yourself, Adam?" she teased, watching him begin to undress, feeling her heart throbbing so hard, she thought she might swoon right on the spot.
"I might, I might," he said, pulling down his breeches. "It's accordin' to how you perform this afternoon, as to whether I'll have you as my wench or not."
"You shall see how I perform," she teased, then began to unbutton the front of her blouse.
He stepped out of his underclothing, then climbed on the bed beside Eugenia, "Here. Let me help you undress," he said thickly, his fingers fumbling, making her laugh like a child, waiting to be given a long-awaited treat. Then when she felt the coolness of the satin bedspread against her back, she welcomed him in her embrace, and found out once again how it felt to have a man turn her brain to mush.
"You are a she-devil, you know," he uttered as his manhood began to thrust inward and outward.
"I am?" she grunted, lifting her body, twisting it, trying to capture his every movement.
"My she-devil," he said, then devoured her breast with his mouth, making her lose all sense of time and reason as her head began to swim in swirls of orchids, blues, and whites.
"My love," she said, as she felt the melting sensation envelop her, meeting his more demanding thrusts. And then it was all over.
"It never lasts long enough," he groaned, pulling from her. "It just never lasts long enough."
"It just gives you something to look forward to," she said, relaxing against the mattress, glad to be "home" to stay. Yes. She felt as though she was home. And this time she also had a man to call her own. For as long as she wanted.
"Shall we survey the rest of the palace?" he asked, rising from the bed to put his clothes back on.
"Yes. I'd love to show it to you," she said, also rising, dressing hurriedly.
"What's first on the list?"
"I'd like to show you the tower rooms," she said solemnly. "Frederick refused to show them to me when I first moved in here. I wondered about them for so long, and when I did see them, I was shocked. So, I don't want you to have to wonder. I shall show you right now."
"You look quite presentable after such a roll in the hay," he teased, brushing her hair back away from her eyes.