Page 67 of Eugenia's Embrace
Eugenia headed toward the staircase. "I only hope so," she answered, then stopped and let her shoulders sag, feeling the need to be alone before returning to The Towers. She had much to think about. She could still see the look in Nell's eyes as she watched Adam in silent admiration. Could I have been wrong to leave them alone together so often? Eugenia thought to herself.
"Alison, I'm going to my room," she said quietly. "Please don't disturb me."
"Is there anything I can do?"
Eugenia smiled warmly. "No, dear," she said. "Just a problem I've only recently become aware of. I'll work it out."
"Whatever you say."
As Eugenia ascended the stairs, she could hear soft chatter surfacing from each of the girl's rooms. The two new girls had seemed to have worked out. And, yes, it was nice to have the rooms filled once again. She passed the twins' room and started to open the door that led to the secret window, to see how they were getting along, but she thought better of it. She didn't need to practice voyeurism this evening, she wasn't quite sure if it would be wise to get sexually aroused. She wasn't even sure if she could make love with Adam this night. Not with her suspicions being so strong. She placed a finger to her lips, remembering his kiss upon her departure at The Towers. He had been so unusually rough, as though he was even trying to prove something to himself.
One step into her private room, and Eugenia was aware of the chill of the room. She crossed her arms in front of her, hugging herself for a bit of warmth, then spied the open window. She hurried across the room and put her hands on it to shut it. She looked downward, and saw a man walking along the walk below her. If not for the wide brim of the hat he wore, she could have seen his face. But his gait was what was so familiar to her.
"Drew?" she whispered… then laughed nervously to herself and shut the window with a bang.
The coal stove's door stood agape, so Eugenia went to it and filled it with wadded newspaper, kindling, and several lumps of coal then threw a match to it. Shivering, she stood waiting. A light tap on the door drew a frown. She had told Alison that she didn't want to be disturbed. Eugenia sank down into a chair by the stove, ignoring the intrusion.
"Eugenia? I have to see you," Alison persisted, speaking softly from the other side of the door.
"Oh, dammit," Eugenia muttered, then spoke more loudly, "If you must, you must. Come on in, Alison."
This night Alison had become the bearer of bad tidings to Eugenia.
Alison hurried into the room, her face flushed as red as the coloring of her hair. "It's a man. He's pushed his way in without a previous appointment," she blurted. "He insists on seeing you. Personally."
"Me?" Eugenia said softly, rising, remembering the man she had just seen outside the window.
"His name?" she said, even more softly, in a near whisper.
"I believe he said Drew," Alison said. "He's quite a prominent-appearing…"
Alison didn't have a chance to complete
her sentence. Eugenia brushed past her.
Eugenia lifted her skirts and ran down the stairs, almost tripping at the bottom. If she had, she would have fallen into the arms of…
"Drew?" she gasped, feeling as though her body was a million heartbeats as she looked into those eyes of blue, and upward to the head of dark, curly hair as he tipped his hat in her direction. And he looked so dignified in a navy blue pin-striped woolen suit, with a vest worn over a pure silk shirt. A gold pocket watch chain looped from the third button of the vest to the small pocket on front, reminding Eugenia of the watch he had given her to keep for him.
"So it's true," he said, amusement lighting his eyes.
Eugenia felt awkward with the sudden entrance of Drew into her life once again. He had the same effect on her as before, as his gaze stayed fixed on her. A mesmerizing effect, making her knees grow weak and at a loss as to what to do with her hands dangling at her sides.
"What's true?" she said, straightening her back and tilting her chin upward. She couldn't understand how he could stand there so composed, appearing to be enjoying his effects on her.
"So you've become a madam." He laughed, tossing his hat onto a hat rack standing in a corner beside the door.
"So?" she asked cooly. She was losing her self-control, knowing that just this one look at Drew was proof of her passionate love for him. It was deeply imbedded, so much more so than anything she had ever felt for Adam. It was only at this moment that she realized that Adam had only helped to fill the void until Drew's return.
"I heard about the red-headed madam who ran this house who is known to be untouchable herself," he said. "When the name Eugenia was spoken, I had to see if it was you."
Feeling her face begin to turn crimson, Eugenia looked away from him. She put her hands to her face, to cool it, then turned back in his direction. "Drew, why have you come to me now?" she asked firmly.
"Hon, I've come to take you with me to our new home."
A feeling of lightheadedness rushed over Eugenia. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath, then gazed into his eyes once again. "You're here… to what?" she gasped.
Drew walked past her and looked into the parlor. "Can't we go into the parlor and have a talk, hon?" he asked.